Part 12

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Two days later, Stevie was woken up by an early morning call from Jeremy's sister Evelyn. She said she was visiting him and that later, she would come see Stevie as well. The two women didn't know each other that well, before and after the wedding they had only seen each other a handful of times. Stevie thought that she wasn't liked by Jeremy's sister that much... Not really sure what, but something in Evelyn's voice made her feel uneasy.

The doorbell rang just after Stevie had finished cleaning up the kitchen, once Lily had her breakfast, Stevie herself being too nervous to swallow anything down. Taking a deep breath, she went to answer the door, smiling politely as she showed Evelyn in.

"Would you like some coffee, tea maybe?" Stevie offered.

Evelyn thanked her, saying yes and following after Stevie. "I thought Jeremy was going to be worse." Without easing into it Evelyn started.

"What do you mean exactly?" Stevie frowned. "He's... you do know he can't walk, right?"

"I know that, yes, but, well, everything else besides that. I didn't know what I was going to walk into."

"Maybe that's because you came to visit your brother nearly three weeks after what happened. Bruises heal." Knowing she should stop talking, Stevie busied herself with making tea. "May I ask, why are you here?"

"I'm beginning to think this was a mistake, I don't feel very welcome here."

Sighing, Stevie turned to Evelyn, waiting for water to boil. "I'm sorry, I'm just tense after everything... I didn't mean to sound so rude."

"I can't really blame you. I know about Jeremy's crazy idea. I told him it's nonsense."

"Yeah, well, you're not the only one who tried to." Crossing her arms over her chest, Stevie looked away. "I did, Beth did, but... He's having none of it."

"Actually..." Pausing for a moment to get Stevie's attention, Evelyn continued. "It's why I'm here. Jeremy and I talked for a good couple of hours and he wants to see you."

"H- he does?" Stevie's heart instantly started beating faster. "When?"

"I don't know, today? In an hour or..."

"I'll, uh... I'll call a friend and ask him to look after Lily, while I'm gone." Beth, just like any day was already with her father.

Evelyn didn't really catch on. "Who's Lily?"

Stevie wasn't sure if she should laugh at that, thinking it was a joke. "Our daughter. You... you don't know we've adopted a girl?"

Shaking her head, Evelyn replied. "No. Jeremy failed to mention that I guess. He's always been a lot closer with Thomas, but I'd imagine this was important and big enough to at least pick up the phone and tell me..."

Not sure what to say, Stevie excused herself to call Lindsey.

Having some errands to run, Lindsey arrived at Stevie's about two hours later, seeing how she was ready to run through the door and get to the hospital as soon as possible. It broke his heart a little, he knew he shouldn't feel like that, after all, she was going to her husband.

But he did.

Once they were in the parking lot of the hospital, Evelyn still had the engine going and one hand on the steering wheel, as she faced Stevie. "Would you be okay with going in by yourself? I'll book a room at a hotel somewhere near, while you're with Jeremy."

"Why would that be necessary? You can stay at our house, plenty of empty rooms." Stevie suggested, but Evelyn shook her head, insisting.

"No, I'd prefer a hotel."

"Suit yourself." Stevie shrugged and got out of the car, now knowing why she and Evelyn had only seen each other those couple of times...

On her way to Jeremy's room, Stevie was stopped by his nurse, asking her why she hadn't been around as much. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Stevie wasn't about to reveal troubles in her marriage to a complete stranger, making up an excuse that she had something else really important preplanned, that couldn't be rearranged.

Finally, stopping by Jeremy's door, Stevie placed her hand on the handle, telling herself to not get her hopes up too high, before she pushed the door open and entered the room. Beth wasn't in there, Jeremy's eyes locking with Stevie's as soon as she set foot inside.


"Hey." He replied, showing Stevie to take a seat.

"How are you feeling?"

"Alright, considering." Jeremy said, wanting to, but refusing to look at her. "I guess, it would be best if I just say what I want to say."

"Please, do." Stevie nodded, the tension unbearable.

"As you obviously know, Evelyn was here and we talked. Um... She called me mad, wanting to separate from you and... Having had a couple of days to think, I can't imagine leaving you." Hearing Stevie let out a breath she was holding, Jeremy turned to her at last. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Smiling, Stevie reached for his hand, holding it with both of hers. "I'm so glad to hear this."

"I'm not finished." He quickly added. "I still can't stand the idea of burdening you."


"No, Stevie, hear me out. Evelyn is going to take me with her to San Diego, were my brother is, too and they're going to take care of me for a while, help me with rehabilitation and learning to live like this. When I feel like I can finally come back to you, I will."

Thinking this was bullshit as well, Stevie had to bite her tongue. In a way, they were making progress.

"How long do you imagine it will take? And what am I supposed to do while you're gone? I'm going to be thinking about how you're doing the whole time, Jeremy. You could do the very same thing here, but I would be near you as well. Don't you think that would help you, too?"

"Steph, no... This is the only alternative. Evelyn made me realize this is the right thing to do."

"Oh, Evelyn did that, didn't she..." Stevie sighed, letting go of Jeremy's hand. She knew she wasn't going to convince him otherwise, so all she could do was give in. "Well, okay then. If you think that's necessary... But I will come visit you."

"Of course, I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

They both turned towards the door, hearing it open, seeing Beth coming in. Smiling at the sight in front of her, Beth came to sit beside Stevie. "This..." Showing at Stevie and Jeremy. "... this I like." Beth then remembered. "Emma said you should rest for a bit, Dad." Emma was Jeremy's nurse.

"To be honest, some sleep sounds really good."

"Right, you rest then." Stevie stood up to give him a kiss.

Jeremy was out like a light. Beth making sure he was sound asleep, took Stevie by the hand and led her outside into the hallway.

"I heard everything my Aunt had to say to Dad. I think she's up to something."

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