Part 8

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Surprisingly, Lindsey was feeling just fine, having told Kristen he wanted to end their marriage a couple of days ago. He sat down with their kids and explained the situation to them to the best of his ability as well. There wasn't a question on his mind of who was going to remain living in their once family home. Lindsey started packing the following morning after handing Kristen the divorce papers. He owned several other properties and he was moving into one of those. 

Nobody knew about the impending Lindsey's separation from his wife and he wasn't going to call everyone he knew and tell them. Except one person of course - Stevie. It wasn't a plan to get her back or anything like that, she simply was his best friend and she was the only person aware of all the problems. Lindsey felt like she was the only one who needed to know.

Taking a break from sorting his things out, Lindsey went to search for his cellphone, looking through the contact list for Stevie's name. He was still a little out of breath, when she picked up, which naturally made her worry.

"Linds? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just... I was doing a little work around the house." It wasn't really a lie, nor was it the truth completely. "And how are you? We haven't talked in over a week."

"I know, it's understandable though, right?"

"I guess you can say that."

"I'm alright." She answered his question. "Any reason you're calling me?"

"Actually, yes. I was wondering if I could maybe come over tonight? I have something to talk to you about."

"Sure, of course."

"Right, then I'll see you later."

Putting her phone away, Stevie returned to the kitchen, continuing with making lunch. Jeremy came in a moment later, going to the fridge for a bottle of water. 

"Who were you talking to?"

"Oh, Lindsey called. He has something to tell me, said, he'll come over in the evening."

"Yeah? Since you won't be by yourself, would it be alright if I went out for a drink with the guys? It's been ages."

"Absolutely. You go and have fun." Stevie glanced at him with a smile, Jeremy kissing her in return as a thank you.

Several hours later, when Lindsey arrived, Jeremy had already left, which relieved Lindsey somewhat, knowing it was going to be only him and Stevie. 

"I'll go make us a cup of coffee, while you say hi to Lily." Stevie said after greeting him. "She's missed you. I don't know why it's you in particular, but she's got a special spot in her heart for you." Smiling a little, Stevie then let Lindsey go upstairs.

With the coffee made already, Stevie decided to check what was taking Lindsey so long, as she entered Lily's room and found the girl presenting Lindsey with a bunch of drawings she had drawn over the last week, explaining everything in small detail. It made Stevie chuckle, how he looked so serious, listening carefully and nodding his head at the right moment. 

"And what is so funny?" Lindsey asked, hearing Stevie in the doorway.

"Nothing, nothing at all." She shook her head. "Would it be okay if I stole Lindsey for a couple of minutes, honey?"

"Only a couple?" Lily asked.

"Of course. Would I lie to you?" Stevie laughed lightly, as then she and Lindsey returned downstairs.

He didn't want to just spring the news on her, so they sat down and made small talk, sipping on the coffee, before Lindsey took a deep breath and was going to start talking about what he actually came to Stevie for, but he was interrupted by yet another phone call.

"Jesus, what kind of day is it today." Stevie rolled her eyes and got up from the couch, frowning at the unknown number. "Hm, wonder who that is?" She asked rhetorically.


"Good evening, am I talking to Ms. Nicks?" Stevie never had any intention of changing her last name and Jeremy was perfectly fine with that.

"Yes, it's me."

"We have Mr. Jeremy Stanley. There has been an armed assault..." 

Stevie barely heard anything after that, thinking of the worst, trying her best to hear the details of where she could find Jeremy. Lindsey noticed how her facial expression had change, approaching her, concerned. She then hung up and wrapped her arms around him tightly, crying into his chest. He just stood, holding her close, trying to calm her down.

"What happened, Stevie? Talk to me."

"It's Jeremy. He's... he's in hospital."

"I'll take you right now."

"I- I need to call someone to look after Lily." 

"Don't worry. I'll take her home with me." Lindsey said, stroking her hair. 

They were in Lindsey's car no more than five minutes later, him driving way above the speed limit, seeing how worried Stevie was, wanting to bring her to Jeremy as quickly as possible. Wiping her tears once they arrived, Stevie got out of the car and opened the backdoor, pulling Lily to herself.

"Listen to me, sweetheart. Mommy has something to take care of and you'll go with Lindsey and be a very good girl for him, okay? I'll take you back home as soon as I can."

"Okay, Mommy. I love you." Lily hugged Stevie back, before settling back in the car seat.

Lindsey had climbed outside as well. "Will you be okay? You sure don't want me to stay?"

"No. I'll call you." Stevie assured. "Thank you."

"No need." He gave her another quick hug, kissing her temple.

Stevie then turned towards the hospital entrance, willing herself to start walking. Asking for Jeremy's room once inside, she took her time going to him, despite wanting to be close to him badly. She was scared, her heart beating out of her chest...

Opening the door, she gasped at the state of him, a set of fresh tears escaping her eyes. "Oh God..." She whispered to no one, approaching the side of his bed. She leaned down to kiss him, taking his hand, covering her face with the other as she just couldn't stop crying.

A few minutes later, a nurse came in, who was looking after Jeremy. "I'm sorry to disturb you. I'll be out in a moment."

"What happened to him?" Stevie asked.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Stanley's doctor has already left and he'll tell you more in the morning, but... Mr. Stanley was brought in by the ambulance after a fight outside a bar. The police hasn't said much, only that apparently, your husband was with a friend, when a group of men attacked them. As you can see yourself, he's been beaten up badly; broken bones, inside organs affected... gunshot wounds in his arm and leg."

"Please..." Stevie held up her hand, unable to listen further. "Has he been conscious while in here?"

The nurse swallowed uneasily, shaking her head. "He's in a coma."

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