Part 2

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Telling her bandmates she had to go, without much explanation than just that, Stevie was waiting outside for Jeremy to arrive, both extremely excited and really nervous, her hands shaking. They'd been waiting for several months now, she would be crushed if things didn't go to plan.

Jeremy arrived relatively quickly, Stevie getting into the car and bombarding him with questions right away. He took her hand in his, hoping to calm her down a little. "I wish I could tell you more, but I don't know much myself. She just asked for us to come and she'll explain everything at the office."

After that both of them remained silent. And anxious.

Once they were there, they looked at each other for a moment, taking a deep breath too, before getting out of the car, as they walked into the building, her hand in his. Already knowing the way to Mrs. Davis office perfectly, they didn't have to wander around or ask for directions. Stevie knocked when they reached it and then opened the door, entering with Jeremy behind her, as they were met by the woman, smiling.

"Stephanie, Jeremy, hi, it's good to see you again! Please, take a seat." The two greeted her too and sat down at the opposite side of the desk. "I have some very good news."

Stevie's heartbeat picked up pace immediately, as she glanced at Jeremy, hopeful. "Just tell us, okay? I can't take much more of this suspense."

"Like we've already discussed, there had been some hesitation, due to the fact you are slightly older, but... It's been determined that after all, you are absolutely fit to be parents, to provide one of our children a happy, loving home. Congratulations." Mrs. Davis smiled a warm smile, as Stevie instantly started crying, Jeremy pulling her into his arms.

"Oh my God, baby, did you hear that?" He knew she obviously did, but it was hard to believe still after all this time to finally hear that there were no obstacles standing in their way of adopting the girl, who melted their hearts, as soon as they met her, especially Stevie's. "Thank you so much." Jeremy turned to the woman, who simply waved him off.

"Just doing my job. Trust me, nothing makes me happier than families coming in and helping our kids."

"Whe- when can we take her home with us?" That was the only part Stevie was interested in.

"Well, as soon as you sign these documents." Mrs. Davis set a file in front of them, continuing to explain the process. "Now, I want you to realize that this is not set in stone yet. Once a child is placed into your home, only after six to twelve months the court finalizes the adoption."

"So, we shouldn't get too excited yet?"

"I can't see why not. It's extremely rare that the child is taken back into the system. There will be several post placement visits, just to make sure the child is taken care of in if they are, the hearing goes as expected, the judge signs all the papers and that's it - the child is legally yours."

Nodding, Stevie managed a smile at last, not wanting to wait any longer. "Show me where to sign."

Once the serious part was over, Mrs. Davis made a quick call and in just a few moment, the door to her office opened and in came her assistant with the most beautiful little girl, hugging a teddy bear tightly to her chest. Since she had seen Stevie and Jeremy a few times now, she clearly recognized them as she felt more at ease, letting go of the woman's hand, walking over to the two. 

"Hi, sweety. Oh, you look so pretty, Lilith." Stevie spoke to the girl, holding her hand out, as Lilith took it after some time of consideration. Jeremy watched them, at the same time, trying really hard not to break down, because this was very emotional. His heart sang seeing Stevie so happy. 

"You're crying." Lily said, as she sat on Stevie's lap.

"Maybe a little, but it's because I'm very happy." She said, brushing Lily's hair out of her face. "Mrs. Davis told us some great news. She said that if you liked, you could go home with us."

The girl, who was just a little over three years old, seemed slightly confused. "Remember how we talked about your new parents, sweetheart?" Mrs. Davis took over. "Well, honey, these are your new parents. They would like to bring you home with them."

After another moment of silence, Lily turned to Stevie again. "Toys?"

"Lots and lots of toys, whatever you want, precious. You would also have your own room - only for you and it would be pretty, like you."

"And you." Lily chuckled, tapping Stevie on the nose. 

"I would love to be your Mommy, princess, if only you let me." 

Lily then pointed a finger at Jeremy. "Daddy?"

"Yes, honey, that's right." 

"I want to go home." The girl then said, a fresh flow of tears from Stevie, as Jeremy hugged them both, Mrs. Davis looking from aside, knowing that Lilith was going to have the best childhood possible.

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