Part 15

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Back at the Stanley's residence 

"Get out, Evelyn." Jeremy said to his sister, while his eyes remained on the other woman. 

"What? Why?"

"I said, get the hell out! You and I will have a talk later."

Grunting, Evelyn did as asked, closing the door, but not wandering too far away from the room. 

"What is this, Nicole?" Jeremy wasn't about to beat around the bush. "Why is it you out of all people?"

Taking a few steps further into the room, she swallowed uneasily, thinking how to answer. "I, uh... well, Evelyn called me. She told me what happened to you and she said that you would require a lot of help, twenty four hours a day basically. She said that you would feel more comfortable with someone taking care of you, whom you actually know. So, I didn't really hesitate." Shrugging her shoulders, Nicole clasped her hands looking down at them.

"Do you honestly think I would want my ex fiancée looking after me? Trust me, it would be a lot easier for me if a complete stranger, who I didn't have to see again once this is over, taking me to the bathroom and bathing me. Don't you think I'd be utterly ashamed?"

"What's there to be ashamed of, Jeremy?" Nicole asked him. "We loved each other, we lived together, we have a daughter together. This is what I do for living, why wouldn't you let me help you?"

Shaking his head, Jeremy looked away, thinking for a minute. While he and Beth's mother had never actually been on bad terms, this was still something entirely different from anything they had gone through together. 

"I'm struggling, Nicole. I just don't understand why Evelyn would ask you to take care of me? Is there an ulterior motive to this?"

"No, of course not. I simply feel sorry for you." Realizing what she said, she instantly corrected herself. "Well, I didn't mean it like that. I mean that I feel for you and I want to help you."

"And just what do you think my wife is going to think about this?"

"Honestly, I don't think she cares that much if she's not here with you herself." 

"You don't know her at all, so don't. It was me, who told her to stay at home, while I recover. At least, recover as much as I can to be strong enough to take care of myself, so I can come back to her." Nicole didn't have anything to say to that, so she just stayed quiet. "What about Beth? Where is she going to be throughout this?"

"She's big enough to live on her own. Or she can stay here with everyone. Of course, there's also your wife, with whom Beth, I understand, has a close relationship." Hearing those words coming out of Nicole's mouth, Jeremy could sense the jealousy seeping through.

Sighing, Jeremy was at a loss. He felt pretty much helpless at the moment, he felt as if what Evelyn says, goes now. "You have to give me some time. I must think about this. I'm not sure I feel okay about this whole situation."

Knowing this was already a win, Nicole nodded, smiling slightly. "Absolutely."

"Please, leave me alone right now."

"Okay. I guess, I'll see you soon." She said her goodbye and then left Jeremy's room, right away bumping into Evelyn.

Taking Nicole by the hand, Evelyn dragged her into the kitchen, sitting her down. "So? What did he say?"

"He was apprehensive at first as expected, but actually, he didn't even put up a fight. He had some questions, naturally; why me, where's Beth going to live through this and such. Of course he also had to mention her. Though, in the end, I feel like we're fine. We'll be seeing a lot more of each other." Smiling wickedly, Nicole told what went on just minutes ago.

Pulling her into a hug, Evelyn smiled big back at Nicole. "You did good! Soon, Jeremy won't even remember her. Uh, I can't stand that woman."

"What does he see in her, seriously?" Nicole wondered.

"If only I knew! She's just... She's had hundreds of men, a drug addict, her star is fading, her looks are fading and she's old. She's nearly thirty years older than Jeremy. Can you believe that?" Nicole made a face as if she was disgusted by it, as Evelyn continued. "I know, right? She's so annoying, too. She's acting like a saint, always on her best behavior, but I see right through her. She's not all that perfect."

"Do you honestly think our plan will work?" Nicole asked somewhat doubtfully. 

"Of course it will, hon. You still love my brother and I'm sure, with time, he'll realize he still loves you, too and he'll be filing for divorce sooner rather than later."

"Oh, how I hope so..." Nicole trailed off, before speaking up again. "I tried so many times, but nothing ever worked. This is probably the last, yet the best opportunity for me to get back together with Jeremy."

"It is." Evelyn agreed, hugging Nicole again. "And we'll make it happen."

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