My Runaway Bride: Proloque

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A/N: it's the sequel of My Sweet Sister, this is where the drama increase, the love between them got closer, or break them apart! Also, i'm probably going to add some of the characters, but that's still undecided. The cover was not made by me, but i got it on a web. Don't forget to comment and vote! So hope you like it!

4 months later

10.00 a.m

It's finally the day, everyone who was invited came to the church, such as the brothers, Karl Heinz himself, Yui's friends, some relatives and a few of important people was now sitting at the church with their happy faces, even Yui's real family came.

It took them 2 weeks to finished up everything. The decorations, the date of the wedding, the engagement party, music, food, blood, everything. Now it was finally the day everyone (except the brothers who was still upset that they didn't win Yui's heart), mostly Ayato, who was eager marrying the one he loves, he has been waiting for the day, and now he will spent his life with the one he loves.

As soon as the song was played, the guests started to stand up looking at the white double doors, eager to see the bride, Ayato had his smile wider. But as soon as the doors are opening, he started to frown, it was only Umi, her maid of honor.

She was running towards him while holding out her cream pastel dress. Every guests started to whisper, and murmured. Karl still had his smile on, but the brothers aren't, instead of the girl they've been wanting to see, it was only her friend.

"Oi, where's Yui?!" Ayato whispered to her.

"Okay, well...the think is't be mad...but" she started to chuckle nervously.

"SPEAK UP! WHERE IS SHE?" He started whispering louder, enough for the others to hear.

"The bride is not here" she said and admitted loud enough to let the church hear.

His frown disappeared, changing into a straight one, he was confused, and upset, and angry, but most off all he felt broken. The guests were silent for a moment, they were trying to sort it out about what had the maid of honor said.

10 minutes have passed and finally they said their words at the same time

"What?!" Everyone started shouting

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