Chapter 10.5: Happy Holidays

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A/N: This chapter will mostly be Yui's POV. I hope you like this chapter. Happy reading!


I woke up early on this day, at exactly when the others are still sleeping. It's finally here. The time where it's my favorite holiday is here besides summer.


I don't really know if vampires celebrate this holiday, or ever been to one but might as well try at least. Even though that some might not want to join in but they will listen. If not, well....we'll see.

It has been 2 weeks since we went to the festival. After that everything went back to the way it was. Even the incident back then, everyone ignore it, at least that's what they have been trying to do it.

Oh well, love is complicated in its own way. I went to take a fresh shower, after that i grabbed a red sweater, white skater skirt, and my boots. I found a bell in my closet, and a pair of gloves with me.

I opened my door quietly, i tip toed to the door who would at least listen to me first. I'm at the front door, opening it at slowly as possible. I hold down a laughter, trying to go there without waking up him. I went to his side, smiling as big as i can.

"Ayato~"he turned himself away, i got up to his bed and looked at his sleeping face


"Go away you wench" he pushed my face away from him. I got irritated, so i left the room and went to the next one. I went inside, and found a naked girl still tied up with a cuff, laying next to Laito. I decided not to disturb, and went to the other room.

"Kana-" i stopped, Teddy is right there staring at me. Shivers ran to my spine, i decided not to do it, and went to someone else.

"Reiji~" i looked at him, he was sleeping with a book on his face.


"Can you help me on something?"





".....good day" he went back to sleep. I sighed in dissapointment, the next one is Shu, maybe he'll listen to me.


"" he grabbed me into his arms. Great i'm blushing and becoming his plush toy. I scrunched out off his hold, and went to Subaru's.

"Suba-" i began opening his coffin

"Open it, and i'll make sure that you won't be seeing the night at all" i closed it, he can be a little bit scary about his personal space.


"Idol needs his beauty sleep" he kissed my cheek, of course the blushing came.


"Do your chores first" he shoved my face away.

"Azu-" he has silver knives all over the room, i decided that i still want to live. My last chance is on him, but i don't think anyone wants to


"If it's about going to shop for that season, then do it by yourself, you're a grown up not a kid"

There goes my last hope. I put on my gloved, and a hat. Before i opened the door, i screamed to the place

"HAPPY HOLIDAYS YOU JERKS!!" After that I slammed the door. I huffed down the street, trying to go to the nearest shop. I bought presents for them since i overreact too much for them. And at least i get to celebrate christmas by myself. Just like always. All i need is make hot chocolate, marshmallows, and turn on a christmas music.

"Miss, is something the matter?" The driver asked, that's at first.

"Nothing...i'm fine" i smiled. I opened the door, i assumed everyone is still asleep. I went to the living room, to decorate a tree.

I entered the living room, as i looked inside, there were lights, decorations, even the tree is there all set up. Even presents. I blinked my eyes several times before realising i'm not dreaming.

"Happy holidays" everyone, the brothers emerged out of their hiding place, wearing formal ones, and they actually took a shower.

"Sorry that we acted like that, but we just don't want to spoil the surprise that's all" Ruki smiled before handing her a kiss on the hand.

"We just want to say" (Reiji)

"That everything you did"(Kanato)

"Until now"(Shu)

"Is the best thing that has ever happened"(Laito)

"We want to make today the perfect day"(Yuma)

"The one you've been waiting for"(Subaru)

"And also to say"(Azusa)

"We love you"(Ayato)

"And to say"(Kou)

"Merry christmas"(everyone)

And that's my christmas. My first christmas with others. They may be cold hearted jerks with no heart at all, but they care, mostly to me. I'm grateful for it.

After that, we had christmas lunch, opening presents, even the one that i made by myself, which is knitted sweater. I forced them to wear it, we got in an argument, but when the word "love" appeared, they starting to wear it. We played by the snow outside, which i never thought that there'll be snow this year.

Today is definitely the best white Christmas day in my life.

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