Chapter 18: I do

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With only Ayato left behind, an unfamiliar voice on the speaker started to speak "Ayato, how do you do?"

"Like crap" the man chuckled a bit at his answer.

"I will ask you some questions and you will have to answer it. If you don't you might not be able to get out off this place"

"Whatever, it's not like there's someone waiting for me" he went to a nearby velvet couch. His expression went bored cause he was tired of this game that man made.

"I see,  I will proceed then.  If I ask you about your feelings for Yui, what will you reply?"

He didn't reply quick, he thought about her first. He loves seeing her smile, the way she would make takoyaki for him, even when she went blushing like crazy. "....she was the only one I love, and now...I don't know"

"What about your brothers? Do they still love her"

"Apparently! When Yui was there, they would always try to charm her, and flirt with her"

"What is your reaction when you still had any feelings for her?"

"Obviously being a protective person. Always want to have her next to me"

The question went on and on. Ayato grew a bt bored so he insulted the man on the speaker, not knowing that the one speaking is Yui's father.

"Ayato, one last question" he jumped off the couch, finally he was able to get away from this place.

"If one of the Mukami proposed to her, what would you do? And if Yui said yes, would you still live?"

Ayato halted for a moment, before his anger gotten into him. "Why are you asking me these questions?! It has nothing to do with me!"

"What if I see you this? It happened not to long ago when you brothers were gone" he showed him a footage of Yui and Ruki kissing, then Ruki proposed to her. Ayato just stared at the screen, he was surprised at first, but he manage to hide his emotions away.

" it true?"

"All of it"

"..did she said yes?"

"...looking at the video, maybe"

He then answered the man's question "...I guess...I wouldn't do anything. She loves him, and she deserves someone better. Ruki is the gentleman one, I just cause troubles for her" it grew silent for a bit when Ayato shot a punch at the wall making it cracked.

"But...the hell with it! The hell that I messed up! Cause I love her! I LOVE HER! More than my life, and I'm willing to sacrifice mine to hers!"

Yui's father held a smile before coming back being serious "You are willing to sacrifice your life for a low breed like her?"

"What do you mean by that? Yui is a vampire"

"She is only half vampire. Will you still accept her?"

"Of course I will! I love her because she's Yui. The kindest person I have ever met, and not like some sluts i met for the past hundreds of years!"

Yui's father smiled in content, he finally could leave her daugther by herself to be with the love of her life. He has no worries anymore, he can finally be in peace

"...I see, then you may go"


Back at the mansion, after Yui woke up

"We can't let you see him first"

"Why not?"

"You have to see Karl heinz first. He wants to talk to you"

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