Chapter 15: Prisoners-part 2

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"Well..looks like we're going to have a bit fun here" Karl looked at the monitor. The five remaining brothers and Azusa was trapped in a room.

"Karl, is this also part of your plan?" Then Yui's father, Louis, appeared. Miyuki, Yui's mother is still by Yui's side which is inside the Sakamaki manor.

"Why wouldn't it be? I really would like to know what will they do to get themselves what they want" Karl took a seat in front it. He was quite amused about the five them going to find their solutions to get out.

"You're crazy" he says, taking a seat next to him. He looked at Ayato, from the way he looked before, he seems changed.

"I'm used with it. Don't you want to know how much your soon to be son in law would do everything to make her happy? Isn't it your idea first?" Louis nodded, but soon shakes his head.

"Yes, but not in this way! I thought we'll be doing some counseling and used the easy way" he thought, only making Karl laughed.

"Those are what you would do, but as for me, i would do something that would be...challenging to them" Louis just sat back and sighed.

"I hope you're right Karl, and why is my brother in here?" He looked at someone beside Karl. He was eating a bucket of popcorn inside(blood flavour)

"I got bored and you should listen to what he says, i think it's a good plan" he looks at the monitor.

"Ugh...why does it always happen like this?" Louis felt like his head hurts when the both of them acts the same.

"You put too much trust at him" his brother, Oliver said.

"I know..."


"Azusa, what are you doing here?" Kanato said, while Shu got up from his sleep.

"I'" he showed them his paired sharp knives.

"How did you come in here?" Ayato's turn to ask him.

" on"

"Then you can try it on the kitchen or somewhere else, we're having a crisis on our own" Subaru finally said. He has been quiet since they arrived here.

"I...don'" everyone was not surprised at all. They are trapped inside here.

"Why? what do you mean-?!" Suddenly Kanato was stabbed on his stomach. He felt a pain there, he realized, the knife's tip is covered in silver.

"I'm...sorry....Kanato...." he sais.

"Wh-!" Kanato dissapeared from the room. The brothers began to grow seriously toward this matter.

"Azusa! What the hell have you done to him!" Ayato said, holding his shirt.

"" he began to attack Ayato but he manage to get away before Azusa can react.

The brothers had one thought only,

Don't let the tip of his knife stabs you

Before the fight to survive begins, the speaker inside there starts to sound, catching the others attention.

"Excuse me, now that you all now that Azusa is here, whoever is the last one standing will be able to go back" they didn't know who's voice it is, but they had a mind that they knew who this belongs to.

"What about Reiji and Kanato you bastards?!" Subaru said, punching a wall near.

"They are already went back to the mansion. Good luck!" With that, the game for the four of them begins. Azusa's thought was filled with Karl's word before he went in

Azusa, remember, only one survive and you could be that person


After the picnic, Yuma was covered in flowers which Yui made into a long wreath.

"Yuma, why aren't there anybody here?" They already inside and not a single person is lingering by the place.

"They left some time ago to get something. We are the only ones here, beside Ruki and Kou" Yuma, of course, had to lie about the Sakamakis whereabouts.

"What about Azusa?" Yui asked.

"He went to get a pair of new knifes" he said which is almost true.

"Oh.." Yui was about to go to the kitchen, accompanied with Yuma. They are washing the dishes and put the flowers Yui picked into a vase.

"Hey after this, Ruki wants to meet you at the fountain" causing Yui to look at him with confusion plastered to his face.


"He said he has something important to do with you" she nodded and went back to her cleaning the tablewears.


"Please go out with me!" Ruki suddenly confessed. He was practising by the fountain, to prepare his plan. It wasn't ordered by Karl but by his heart. He really has fallen in love with her and she wants to confess his feelings to her.

"I like you Yui, please go out with me" he shook his head. He felt weird, he has always been the calm person. He never done this toward anyone.

"Yui...I love you. Since the first time we met, you were that innocent, sweet person. As time passed by, i realized that my heart was beating since long time."

"Ruki..." surprised, Ruki turned to see a blushing Yui. He realized that she has heard every word. He began to walk to her and said one more time,

"Yui, will you be mine?"


A/n: alright, this chapter has been published a week earlier. Why? Because i can't wait to publish this and show it to you. This story is going to have Its finale maybe after ten more chapters but could less than that. Remember, this story will not be put on hiatus and kept being updated without any schedule since this year will be the busiest one yet. Anyway here's a review:

"Ayato! Where did you take him?!"

" her...I love Yui!! I won't give up and i will return to her!!

"You made a negation with your son?"

"Miyuki, it's time we decide about this"

"Please..let me see her for the last time"

That'as it for this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment this chapter. Bye! Until later!

With love,


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