Chapter 2: Meet The Mukami Brothers

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A/N: hey guys, on this chapter, i'm going to use Yui's point of view. Also i won't be updating next week for the time being, because i have to get my last school work done. Thanks for all of your support until now, i'm grateful that someone read this fanfic. It's not much but hope you like it.

P.S: the picture was not mine



My eyes awoke, i looked around my surroundings, i was no longer in front of the church, instead i was in a white place, with a big tree in the middle.

"Hello" i said, it echoed through the place, but no one responded.

I finally looked at my own, i was no longer wearing my wedding dress, instead i'm wearing my uniform, barefooted.

My head still spins around, i touched my head, feeling like it was being punched or being hit by a mallet.

I started walking towards the tree, it doesn't have much leaf, but the tree looks really young since it has little flowers almost at the edge of blossoming. I wanted to touch it, the flowers started to blooming one by one, then out of nowhere, tree was set into fire.

I walked back, away from the tree, the scenery became black, i was about to ran away from the darkness, but it swallowed me. My memories began burning one by one,

Meeting Karl Heinz

Staying at the Sakamaki Household

Meeting the brothers

The brothers confessed towards me

Cordelia and Richter incident

Getting my memories back

My childhood memories with the brothers



The night we shared together

The wedding...

I fell deep inside he darkness, i was scared until a flash of light appeared before me,

"Yui...remember us...don't forget" it says, the memories stopped burning, but only memories i had with my family, but about meeting the brothers, and Ayato vanished just like that. I closed my eyes, before being awaken by another voice.


25th December, 21.00 p.m

I woke up again, now i wasn't in my dream anymore, i was in a room, a little bit darker than my own, i tried to sit up, trying to reach for the window. I looked at myself, i was wearing a wedding dress

Why am i wearing one? I don't remember about getting married

I looked outside, it was already night time. The view outside wasn't my home, instead it was a forest, then a view of the city lights behind them, i don't even remember getting myself into this.

I went back to the bed, there laid a pair of cream heels, a white shirt, red skater skirt. Rather wearing this big gown, i took it off wearing the clothes that was laid on the bed.

I put it on, gasping, i had hickies all over my neck, shoulder, chest, stomach, everywhere! I tried to find something here that could at least hide it. 10 minutes after, i couldn't find anything. But thank goodness that the shirt wasn't revealing too much.

After that i turn to my heels, I just rralize that a necklace was put on, it has a red ruby rose on it, i looked at it, then my heads started to hurt, so i decided not to push it further.

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