Chapter 14: Prisoners-part 1

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While Yui and Yuma is at the human world, the Sakamakis brothers are at the demon world. They were being captivated at their own castle, which belongs to none other than Karl Heinz. It has been almost two days and they are stuck at this place.

"Guards! Why can't we leave yet?!" Subaru shouted to the nearest guard there. They have been in the living room with no food or blood.

"I'm sorry master Subaru, but your father strictly ordered us to do this" with that, the white haired albino kept on banging the door. But with all the strength he can put, the door was sealed.


"This is boring, i want to go home now!!" Kanato have been on the chair with Teddy on his lap. A dark aura has formed around him.

"You're not the only one Kanato, I made a few appointments with my lovers already today"

"No one cares about it Laito, now the problem right now is how to get put of here" Reiji looked at the window. The outside were guarded by a pack of wolves.

'That man must have wanted us not want to leave...or does he?' Reiji thought for a second. Suddenly, he finally realized something.



"I know how to get us out of here" he said making the others turn to him. They don't want to be stuck in this room, not to mention the place haven't given them any food.

Before he could say anything, a shining light has made him disappeared. The brothers were surprised, all of their eyes were opened wide.

"What the hell is going on now" Ayato said. The brothers are know silent after that, not knowing there is a hidden camera placed inside.

"Looks like the second one is much than i thought" a male voice said, looking at the monitor.

"Look, i don't think this is the right thing to do" a second male voice told the first one.

"Karl wanted this and this should have been done years ago"

"Idiot, she loves Ayato, so we can't force her"

" i know, but imagine, one of then will be the fiance of your daughter's and i heard they treat her nicely"

"They all have been. But i still think that Ayato is the one for him"

The male chuckled, making the first voice confused."We'll see" the first voiced male went to call the guest tk come in for the next step.

"Dear brothers, this is Oliver, Yui's uncle, in the next thirty seconds, Azusa Mukami will come. He will be the key to let you out" with that he ended.

The brothers were angry, the fact that not only that man planned this, but also Yui's relative. Thirty seconds passed by, and just like that, Azusa Mukami came.


And so the brothers will be stuck for awhile.

A/N: sorry that this chapter is short, but i want to update it first before because i'll be busy for this month, and possibly the next month. Hope you guys had patience with this one. To make you guys excited for the next chapter here's a little bit of a view for the next scene:

What should we do now? Five of us left and we are bored to death...

Karl, is this necessary? You are always the one who planned something gone too far.

Azusa, remember, only one survive and you could be that person

I like you Yui, will you go out with me?

Sorry again!


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