Chapter 1: The Runaway Bride

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7.00 a.m

Yui was in her room, excited about today. The day has finally arrived, and nothing is going to ruin this moment.

She was walking by the garden, anxious yet excited about today. She looked at her ring, it was when the day Ayato proposed again in a very romantic way of his. Even though it was ruined at first, but he manage to cover it with his style.


Ayato and Yui were sitting on a fancy restaurant, with romantic candlelight, classical romantic music, a romantic atmosphere.

Yeah...this is the way how he wanted to propose her, to make her remember about this day.

"So Yui, how's your family doing?" He suddenly question her this question, actually he was pretty nervous about this day.

"Everything is fine, Karl manage to calm some of my relatives down, and my uncle freed me to do anything whatever i want to, and he said that i don't want to be burden by my own past." She smiled, while eating her dessert.

"Great..." he chuckled nervously.

"Yeah...great.." everything turned into an awkward silent, none of them spoke, or stare at each other, when they stare at each other, they turned their heads away blushing.

'This is so awkward..' they both thought at the same time.

Ayato looked at his pocket once more, he held out a velvet box, inside was a red blood ring, he's going to propose to her tonight.

'Well, it's now or never' he clutched the box.



They both said at the same time, they started to laugh.

"Yui, look there's something i need to tell you-" he was about to stand up when

"Yaho~ little brother!" Laito burst into the doors

"The manager said that you guys are having desserts, Teddy (which he made another one) and I want some too" Kanato also joined in.

"Why are you here?!" He glared at them

"Why? You said that we could hold up the party" he started opening the door revealing hundreds of people.

And when they see the couple, they yeld

"Congratulation on your engagement!" They said.

"WHAT THE HELL LAITO! It's not yet and she didn't even knows that i'm going to propose her! You damn idiot!" He screamed into his ears, almost making his them bleed.

"You're a slow one, but me i would scoop her right into my arms and married her" he rubbed onto his ears.

"'re going to propose again? But i thought you already did." Yui also entered into the party.

"Well...the last time is that you rejected me, so today, i want to propose to you in a proper way"

"Never knew that Ayato would used "proper" in his language" Kanato also joined in with a slice of cake on his hand.

"Shut up!" Ayato really glared onto his brother who manage to hide behind Yui smirking

"Ayato..." Yui walked towards him, she scooped her hands to his cheeks, and smiled

"You don't need to do this again, besides what you said back at the place you first propose, i'm already happy"

"But that time i didn't have your ring"

"Ring or no ring, as long as i'm by your side, i'm already happy" she softly kissed his lips, he smield and also returning the kiss. The guests back there was clapping their hands. Ayato stopped, he was not loving it when there's someone watching.

"What's wrong Ayato?" She looked at him, confused why Ayato stopped.

"Come on, let's go somewhere private" he smirked, he carried her bridal style and teleported somewhere.

The guests were to busy watching what has happen, not even the brothers were looking.

"Ayato where are we?" She couldn't see anything, it was dark.

"The best place to propose" he set her down.

She felt sand on her feet, the sound of the waves crashing, when the clouds startedbto dissapear, revealing the moon,the light illumainates the sea. They were at the beach!

"Ayato...this..." Ayato started to kneel in one, he grabbed her hand and caressed it before he kissed it.

"Yui, i know that you've just got back from everything and your memories has been restored, also about what happened during last month, but"

"Will you marry me? Will you be my side and give your whole to me? Your heart, your feelings, your body, your soul to this me?"

"....yes.. of course!" Ayato had his sweetest smile on, he put the ring to her finger. Yui just cried happily, she was being proposed by the man she loves. They both shared a passionate kiss after that, he kissed her cheeks, nose, her neck, trailing to her shoulder.

"Ayato...not yet...not in here" she moaned.

"Well...then my room or yours?" He kept kissing her neck.


"Then my room it is" he carried her again, teleported to his room, spending the night with her.

Flashback end

She blushed at the thought, the night she spent with him was truly breath-taking, she couldn't help but saying that she was enjoying it.

'Now i feel like a pervert' she thought.

"Miss Yui, we need to help you prepare with your wedding" the butler came in

"Yes, i'll be there soon"

She went back to her room, before catching a silhouette, by the rose

"Eve..." it said, she turned around to look, but no one was there.

09.35 a.m

Yui's P.O.V

I was running, running out of the church. Because of that man, i was turned to leave out of the church, but i couldn't remember about why

The dress was massive, i held it almost half of it so i won't trip again, with this heels, i wasn't used with it

I don't know why, but i felt that, this is not the best time. I thought once again, do i love him? Do i want to be with him?

I do love him but why do i feel it was only a siblings love? I felt different, one minute i was preparing for my wedding, and the next thing, this happenned

"Are you okay little kitten?"

I looked behind me, it was a guy with messy blond hair, blue eyes, wearing a red wine and black suit.

"Who are you?"

"" Another boy appeared before me, he had black with green tips on his hair, he looked kinda sleepy, with those bags on his ears.

I'm sensing that they were vampires, but i could smell a faint of human blood in them.

'A half ones?' I thought

"Eve...what are you talking about, i'm Yui" i'm starting to get scared with their sudden appearance.

"Come with us, we will explain to you later" another man appeared he had black hair, blue eyes.

"For a girl, you could run pretty fast" another one appeared, he has brown long hair, red eyes.

"Who are you all?! What are your talking about?!" I'm preparing to run away again, before one of them went behind me, murmured some words.

I was soon fast asleep,my body went down. I didn't feel the hard streets, instead a pair of masculine arms around me.

What is going on here?

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