Chapter 9: Step 1-Reconcile(4)

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A/N: hello everyone, i'm back, finished with all the mid terms, and now i could write for the rest of my 3 days holiday. I know I said that i'll be updating on the first week of December however , i just couldn't help writting this chapter, so hope you like it, and don't forget to comment while you're reading this chapter. Thanks for waiting!

Love you😚😊


"Karl, we had some doubts about this plan," Louis had a worried expression on his face

"What do you mean? So far the plan had been going well with it" Karl said to him

"I mean that maybe this is just too much for her, loosing her memories, confusing herswlf on the boys also adding up a group of another boys to-"

"To help her and no, it is not too much for her to handle, besides the Mukamis are in there to assist her and my sons to the right path" he explained to him but he still held a worried look

"Meaning she had to handle 10 boys!"

"The more the merrier"

"Karl...i don't think this plan will work like that"

"Are you saying that all of my plans are a waste?"

"I didn't say it was a waste, but too much to handle for her own"

"But you're the one who asked me to help you to confirm if one of my son is the best choice for your own daughter"

"But not like this, she is only 17"

"In human years, yes but she's a half breed from 100 years old, besides, she's mature enough to do anything she wants, yet you still treats her like a child"

"Because she is my daughter, i cared for her more than for you cared your own sons"

Both of them glared at each other, almost losing their calm posture, when Miyuki, Yui's mother stepped in to stop the tension.

"That is enough, both of you" both of the male slumped in defeat, they can't argue with angel, since they'll lecture the both of them till no end.

"Karl, are you sure that this plan will work?" She asked in a soft way

".......i'm sure of it"


As the two of them walking, Laito still haven't told her about what plan is he up to. This is Laito we're talking about, and Yui can't guess what's up on his head, except one, that he is a pervert.

"Laito, where are you taking me to?" She said, looking at his back.

"I already told you, we're going to have some place to go to"

'Oh great, I'm stuck with a pervert!'



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