I'm His Mate (13) unedited

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Dedicated to you because of your amazing idea! 

Author's Note

Before I get started with chapter 13 I would just like to thank everyone for their support. I'm so happy that I have so many people reading. Also I would like to say please comment and vote. It would make me feel really loved if you guys tell me the things you loved about the story or just even leave a simple upload soon, that would make my day.


I press in my home number and after three rings the phone picks up.

"Hello?" my sister's voice rings outs through the receiver.

"Its me .......Ally" I say in a shaky voice.

"Ally, Mom it's Ally!! We all thought you were dead, we all thought you were dead." She breaks down and cries onto the phone. I feel a little piece of my heart crack knowing I'm the reason why she's so upset.

"Ally?!" My mom voice comes onto the phone. "Ally, you need to come home. I don't care where you are but you need to come home now. Do you know how worried we are? Your brother thought something happened to you and went to look for you in the forest and look where he is now Ally!! Do you know where you brother is? He's hurt in the hospital!! He was attacked by a wolf. If Daniel didn't find him when he did he would have bleed to death. You want to know something else! I started to plan your funeral. Do you know how much pain that caused me?"

I feel my hands start to shake and I'm ready to cry a flood of tears. I didn't 't even think about everyone looking for me. Now my brother's in the hospital because of me. I thought that if I left I would keep my family safe but it looks like all I did was keep my self safe. I feel like such a selfish person. I just left with a boy that i barley know mate or not it doesn't make it any better.

"I'm sorry" I say before I hang up the phone. I slump into a corner and cry in my knees . Jason was attacked by one of Daron's enemies and it's all my fault, I think to myself knowing that with out a doubt that i'm right. I can still hear the twin's auguring but know it deosn't seems as loud.

I sit their ignoring everything except my pain until Daron comes and sits in front of me. I throw myself into his arms and cry my heart out into his chest. After a while all my sadness is gone and all I'm left with is anger, guilt, and more anger.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

I look into his eyes and see concern, but all it does is makes me more angry.

"You lied to me" I say while untangling myself from him and looking out the window.

"What are you talking about?"

"You told me they would be safe!!!" I yell feeling more tears run down my face.

He turns me around so I'm facing him and grabs my chin so I'm looking at his eyes. "Ally"

"Don't Ally me! "I yell. "He's hurt.I thought you said no one would get hurt"I say while pounding on his chest crying my eyes out.

It's all my fault.

I'm so stupid.

He grabs onto my fist and just holds me. "Who's hurt?"

"My brother" I say into his chest. " A wolf attacked him" and once I say that I feel his body go tense.

"I'm going to fix this, I promise Ally." he says and I can hear the determination in his vice.

"You don't have a choice, and either way I'm going home to my family. "

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