Chapter eight: Wooden Graveyard

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Eric walked into the lab feeling like a human being again. He felt like he was hit with a cup of fresh, cold water after walking in a dessert. More like an ocean.

Life seemed to have to taken a turn for the amazing; he never felt so relaxed, calmed, and clear minded in a very long time. 'Today was going to be a wonderful day' sang through his head ever since he woke up out of bed this morning. Joana was of course already gone before he could say good morning, but that was to be expected. She did leave him a note saying to lock her front doors and take a taxi to get wherever he needs to go. And a little smiley face in appreciation of the time they spent together.

So one could imagine his face when the elevator doors parted and Stein was the first person he in view. There was a moment where everyone couldn't drop their piercing stares as is to accuse him of something mischievous. To get to this floor one would need a keycard and then punch in the pin code on a small number pad that appears when tap on the desinated floor on the digital screen.

His surprise was then imaginable when several men in black and white commando suits, with helmets and holstered pistols, stood behind Stein, ready for anything.

"Would someone tell me what's going on here?" Stein and Eric asked at the same time, but in their own words. Joana, Vault and Lance all gave hopelessly confused looks between Eric and the soldiers around them. A man walked to the front of the group stepping in front of Stein, cutting of their stare down with commanded authority.

The man undid the latches on his helmet. At the slow speed he was taking it off was almost dramatic, but then Eric realized that was because a brief hesitation that no one else caught on to. The helmet was dropped to the ground and long bronze hair fell to one side.

It was a woman, a very beautiful one at that. As she took her gloves off, she shook her head and drove her hands through her hair. Then patting it back down on the right side to let it hang over her shoulder.

Eric was definitely taken aback. He didn't let it show, but he certainly wasn't expecting that. Her eyes glimmered in the light as it proved to be a dazzling shade of bronze and her hair was hinting at being wavy with thin bangs parting ways on her forehead.

She went straight to business. "We need to know what's been going on in this lab" she ordered. "From you"

"Well you're not getting anything 'from me' until you tell me: Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my lab." he countered with a nurtured candle of resilient fire burning inside him. Taking direct orders was never his strong suit and he didn't even know this woman.

"We are the company known as Nexus," she told him, straight-faced while trying to skip through the formalities. Her flourishly tanned skin abolished any signs of kindness her rosy cheeks and round face would normally portray. "I am Director Melinda Asher."

She pulled out her tablet and swiped towards Eric on it. A holographic wall with her credentials on it appeared for everyone to verify her identification.

"Dr. Greyson." he replied as he did a quick once-over. It faded to pixels but the remaining tension proved everlasting.

This was the part where they were supposed to shake hands, but Eric supposed not. It was like the drama between Eric and Stein all over again. But this time, with a woman. Eric knew this was different in other ways too. While Stein was a complete buffoon, she seemed to just be doing her job. Eric decided to turn down the theatrics as much as possible by taking in a small heap of breath to tame his attitude.

After another sharp gaze and seeing that it was going nowhere, Eric gave what she wanted. "We found a possible infinite energy source."

"So I've heard," she said flatly. "Now tell me something I don't know."

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