Chapter tewnty nine: Into the Aftermath

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Her bouncing hair in a rosy bun and locked, bang curls swinging from side to side in front of her, through the crowd of onlookers around her. She felt her confidence build through a smirk and when she reached the two front gate-like doors, she put as much swing into each step as she could.

It felt like a beat just dropped as she dramatically walked through with her whole body striding through the middle of the open doorway. She found that she was most definitely a head turner from the moment she stepped through those doors. Men of all ages stopped and stared in awe of Melinda's golden appeal. She was the disco ball to this 60's party.

Even the men who had their hands around the waist of their beloved had to take a second glance at the woman who was slowly making her way down middle of the room like it was a slow-motion runway in Hollywood.

She flashed a few winks and waved to a couple familiar faces from past business transactions. Her curls rocked from side to side as she made her elegant way to the center of the action.

The mansion where the ball was being thrown was several massive stories and one magnificent chandelier hung in the air along with several ancient themed lanterns hung off of the walls to bask the area in a soft yellow glow. Two very wide sets of stairs on both sides of the mansion led up to the second floor that showed like a balcony over the first. This pattern continued all the way up to the top ten or so stories from where she was. Vast wide stairs zigzagged all around the sides of the floor, leading into the higher levels and multiple side rooms. People clung in groups all over the room on both floors and Melinda made sure to mingle with as many people as possible before she made her speech.

If she wasn't so busy making sure every eye was focused on her dress, she probably would have noticed Lance and Stein discreetly talking to each other on the indoor balcony in expensive tuxedos.

Lance had a golden tie while Stein sported a cerulean blue one with pride. When they caught sight of her entrance, they both gave each other a slight nod and walked away in opposite directions.

Stein walked away undoing his cuffs while Lance walked away straightening them as Dennis spoke in their ear. "From studying the case of the murder a couple years ago, security has tightened up a lot."

"And how does that help us?" Lance asked as he made his way to a group to blend in. "We already look like security guards."

"Not for long." Stein smiled as he undid his jacket and tie in the bathroom.

"Well Melinda supplied the guards and every fifteen minutes, which is different for every guard, they switch floors," he said. "So Lance, you can't be a statue, someone will notice."

"Noted," he replied as he smiled and engaged conversation with some people visiting from afar. He kept a trained eye on the prize, which was overly complementing an elderly man and bursting into laughter every three seconds. "Dually."

"The first wave of meals are about to commence." Dennis spoke hurriedly. "Stein, where are you?"

In the bathroom from the side of the stall, one could see a pair of pants drop, revealing a pair of long black socks until a pair of shoes were put on. "Almost there."

About twenty caterers were set off into the party to serve famished members. Out of the corner, Stein, dressed exactly like one of them, joined them and quickly picked up a platter from the kitchen stacked with food. He walked around, offering food to everyone he passed. He made sure to not any type of conversation other than the list of dishes atop his platter.

"Oh this looks brilliant!" one woman gasped. "What is it?"

"Well my lady-" Which made her wave in flattery. "-It's flank steak pinwheels with sun dried tomato and classic veal Marsala or would you like brandy-flamed peperoni steak saltimbocca with a filet Mingon glazed with rich balsamic."

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