Chapter 1 * The first day

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Anthony's POV-

My face looks uninterested and bored when I face the mirror. I can hear the cracking sound of eggs being cooked downstairs.

"First day at a new school, great.

No one likes the new kid." I frown.

I look at the mirror once again to fix my messy bed head. Once I finish spiking my hair, I lazily brush my teeth and head into my room. I quickly slip on my white Jordan's and jaggedly skid down the stairs.

Lexi's POV-

My phone lights up and screeches loudly causing me to jerk from my sleep.

"Five more minutes." I let out a muffled groan.

I cringe at the thought of getting up for school.

My arm flies over to my nightstand hitting snooze on my phone.

Not even 10 minutes later the annoying ring returns even louder this time.

"I'm not going to school." I decide and pull the clean duvet back over my head.

Though my phone continues to scream. I make a slow move to grab my silk pillow and cover my pounding ears.

"Damn it!" I snap and roll over to stop the alarm.

I grodgly walk to the bathroom and turn on my curling iron.

I perfectly curl every piece of hair and add some light makeup.

I pull open my closet and think hard about what to wear. Searching through the mixture of girly clothes. Finally I decide on a maroon leather skirt with a plain grey top and combat boots.

I glance at my phone for the time.


"Well it's always cute to be fashionably late!" I agree with myself and grab my neatly packed backpack.

I slowly drag down the staircase with a sigh.

My mom is a famous fashion designer. She's never home. She's always off on some business trip and if she does come home it's only for a day before she kisses my forehead and is off on another work trip, and let's just say my dad, is permanently out of the picture.

My white pomeranian pads over to me with perked ears.

"Hello Maliboo!" I speak in a high pitched voice while picking her small frame up and pecking a kiss on her little black nose.

I carefully set her down and strutted into the kitchen, making a beeline for the refrigerator. I place my hands around the freezing tin can of my favorite tea.

I giggle when I feel Maliboo prancing at my shoes.

"You like them?" I say in that high voice, not really expecting an answer. I mean she's a dog.

After checking through my social media's, I grab my keys and sat in my white charger that my mom insisted I use instead of her car.

Anthony's POV-

"Mom I'm leaving!" I shout echoeing through the small house.

"Wait! Wait, pictures!" She yells running out of her room with the camera.

"Mom," I moan and roll my eyes.

"Just a couple! Smile!" she lies and places her eye in front of the camera.

She clicks the button a few times before letting out an exasperated groan.

"Mom the lense. You have to remove the lense." I chuckle when she cringes.

Not In LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora