Chapter 5 * Reunited

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Lexi's POV-

I sit up straight after taking a picture with Drew and grab my phone, I tap on the Facebook app and see that I have a notification, it reads 'Drew brooks has tagged you in a photo with the caption,

"Finally get to go with my girl to New York for Christmas!"

I smile at the picture of us, we both look so pleased, my smile is almost a laugh and his cheeks are blushing slightly.

"Hey, love?" I hear Drews voice echo.

I glance up to see him trying to hide his growing smile. I shake my head and laugh looking back at my phone.

"What Drew?" I lick my lips while swiping through my tumblr feed.

"There's another surprise," Again he tries to stop the smile that's forcing it's way onto his perfect face.

What could the surprise be? A present? Another dog?

I hear the bell ringing at the door, I slowly look up and see a tall, gorgeous, dark skinned girl walking in wearing designer clothes and big brand name shoes, I squint a little before screeching on the top of my lungs.

"J'Den Humphries!" My voice bounces off the walls around us earning some disgruntled looks from people having small conversations around us.

I quickly crawl over drew and run to the girl I haven't seen in 8 months.

"Lexi Thompson!" J'Den squeals back before I jump into her arms.

"I've missed you so much!" Hot tears threaten to fall as I hug my tall best friend.

"I've missed you so much too!" She replies before slightly pulling away to look at me.

She signals for me to spin around, so I do.

"I love your outfit!" She gasps and I jokingly pose like a model on a runway.

"How is fashion school!?" I smile and laugh at my eagerness.

"London is fabulous!" She empathizes the last word.

We both giggle before she looks over my shoulder and raises an eyebrow.

"Your still dating Drew right?" Her smile turns loopsided.

"Of course! Our 3 year anniversary is next tuseday!" I bounce at the thought of being with Drew for 3 years.

"Aw! Wait, then who's that?" She asks pointing to Anthony who is laughing quietly at Drew who seems annoyed.

I hope these two can learn to get along fast, I have no time to dilly dally.

"Oh, that's Anthony- he's new so I'm trying to make friends with him." I stare at him as his eyes screw shut, his dimples peek out as his smile grows while laughing so adorably.

I smile at him before turning back to J'Den, "Oh I see," she teases me, her eyes dancing with amusement.

"What?" I frown at her.

"You have a crushy-crush thing for Anthony!" She laughs and throws her head back.

"Do not!" I defend myself.

"Uh- do too! I can always tell when you have a crush on a guy!" She laughs again adding a snort.

"Fine, I guess he's sort of cute- but I'm dating Drew!" I smile at her and grab her hand pulling her over to our table.

Anthony's POV-

While Lexi was talking to her friend I try to have a decent conversation with Drew.

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