Chapter 8 * Playing around

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**3 hours later**

"Come on you guys! Lets play spin the bottle yeah?" JP slurred. Kaison had come back 2 hours ago with some vodka, scotch and a couple of beers, all of which JP and Kaison downed.

"Yeah! Sounds fun!" Lexi squealed before sitting down. As everyone sat in a circle on the shag carpet, Ryan looked back at me.

"What's the matter sweetheart? Scared of a little kissing?" He made a pucker face. Something tells me he's had one or two drinks. I scoffed.

"No. It's just a stupid game played by little kids. I'll pass." I looked down at my phone, I really need to get Lexi out of here SOON.

"How about we raise the stakes? Whoever the bottle lands on has to take a shot, and whoever spins it has to take a shot. Deal?" JP looked at me again, his pupils huge and his words slurring more and more.

"Ugh you know what fine, but I'm not kissing Lexi. So if you were hoping for some action, you were wrong." I sat in the circle.

"Alright ladies first." Ryan winks at Lexi before handing her an emptied beer bottle. She gave a little squeal and spun the bottle. It slowly lands on Kaison. They both take shots and kiss for a second or two.

"Your turn sexy." JP handed me the bottle. I sighed and gave the bottle a small spin. It landed on JP. You've got to be fucking kidding me right now. As I took a shot, the liquid burning my throat, JP came closer to me, placing his hands on my hips. I gently grabbed his face and pulled him in for a small kiss. Before I could pull him in, he rammed his lips into mine. JP's lips left mine, going for my neck. I moaned lightly, pulling him closer. This feels so.... good. No. Bad very bad. But also so good.

"Get a room!" Kaison exclaimed laughing, causing JP to pull away and look me in the eyes. We all laughed until I realized how bad this was. I need to get Lexi out of here, and fast.

"Well that was fun and all, but me and Lexi should really get going." I stood up, brushing some imaginary dust off my dress.

"No I don't want to go! And you can't make me!" She stuck out her tongue at me. She's acting like a 4 year old. Oh god...

"Ryan, can I talk to you alone for a second?" I say, trying hard not to sound panicked.

"Yeah sure. I'll be right back baby." He kissed Lexi's cheek before getting up and walking towards me.

"Here we can talk in the guest room." He walked towards one of the rooms.

"How can I help you?" He looked at me, smirking, knowing I felt uncomfortable because of his room choice. Me and Ryan have A LOT more memories than I thought.

"You gave her fucking vodka didn't you?!" It all just clicked, from earlier in the night when Ryan kept giving Lexi "water". He laughed ever so slightly.

"Maybe, maybe not. What's it to you? I just want to have a little fun with her, then Drew can have her back." He shrugged.

"Look. Ryan, she deserves to know about... us, and she deserves not to be led on like this." I try reasoning with him.

"Eh. Nah." He walks out the room. That asshole.

I walk back into the main room to see Lexi standing on the couch, dancing like a maniac with Ryan all over her. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"J'Den come dance with us!" She giggles, I didn't have a chance to reply before JP grabs me by my waist, grinding on me. God, as much as I would love to stay, this is so wrong. After struggling to get him off of me, JP finally released me from his hold. Just as I was going to demand that Lexi leave with me, I heard Ryan's sickly sweet voice.

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