Chapter 13* Breaking the truth

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Lexi's POV-

"Ready to order?" Stacy has returned with her plastic smile.

"Yeah, I'll have a Bacon burger please, with no fetta and fries for the side." Anthony explains, never letting go of my hand.

"Okay and for you?" Stacy chirps scribbling down his order.

"Oh I'll just have Portabella Mushroom burger please?" I ask in a shy manner.

"And for your side?" Stacy raises her eyebrows, obviously annoyed.

"Fries?" I mumble, looking away from her.

"Alright, I will have that right out for you!" she winks at Anthony and picks up our menus.

"So as you were saying?" Anthony smirks at me.

I cough, "Well um J'Den came in and yelled at me and called me-" I pause for a few moments.

"Called you what?" Anythinys tender tone pulls me from my thoughts.

"Just some words." I rub my nose, "I got upset and ran to Ryan's bathroom, he chased after me and tried to get me to come out but he ended up going back to his room and resting. After a few minutes, I snuck into his room and grabbed my things but he heard me and followed me all the way to the front door." I stop for a breath.

"Then he let me outside and I ran down the drive way but he followed me again, we got in a fight, he went inside and walked to the gas station." I stop and stare out the window, the weather is getting worse.

"Wow thats quite a story." Anthony says quietly and hugs me closer, but soon he let's go to drink some of his soda.

"Yeah so now that you know everything, please don't tell anyone, I'm trusting you." I stare into his eyes.

"I promise." he speaks up and pulls my head onto his shoulder.

"So besides that how are you and Drew?" He talks slowly as I lean into him.

"Oh." Is all I say.

Anthony sits silently awaiting my answer.

"I'm not sure at the moment because obviously I didn't come home last night," I sigh and sit up away from Anthony, "He probably tried to call me but my phone wasn't near me. He's probably really mad." I say growing concerned.

Anthony's sighs but says nothing as he picks up the salt and tosses some onto the basket of fries.

"I'm sorry to hear that." he answers quietly.

"On a lighter note, anything cool happening in your life right now?" I smile warmly at him and pop a fry into my mouth.

Anthony's POV-

"On a lighter note, anything cool happening in your life right now?" Lexi grins at me and snatches a fry.

Yes. You came into my life and made me fall head over heels for you.

"Well, I'm leaving for Chicago tomorrow morning, I get back on late tuesday night." I watch as her eyes grow big.

"I've always wanted to go to Chicago! Your so lucky!" she gapes.

"Really? Me too, this will be my first time. I'm going with my hockey team for a championship." I smile as her green eyes dance with excitement.

"Wow." she gasps, tucking a loose hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, my dad was going to come with me but he just got released from the hospital yesterday and I don't think it's safe for him to come." My breaths shorten when I speak about my dad, "Theres not a way that we could cancel the ticket. It's too late, I might just give it to someone at the airport." I shrug and stare down at the table.

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