Chapter 11* Runaway

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J'Dens POV-

This can't be fucking happening right now. She promised me.

"What. The. Actual." I manage to choke out a few words.

The pair look at each other with concerned eyes before looking back to me.

"U-uh J'Den, I swear we," Lexi stutters but can't seem to find any words.

"Shut the fuck up. You promised you didn't do anything 'too' bad with him. You fucking promised. And here I find you two all 'buddy buddy' with each other." I explode, never breaking eye contact with my 'best friend'.

"How could you? What happened to never lying to each other?" My vision blurs with tears before I forcefully blink them back. Don't cry. Don't.

"It wasn't as bad as you thi-" Lexi starts but I immediately cut her off.

"Goddamnit just learn to keep your legs closed!" I shout. I'm furious now, my vision extremely blurry.

"Excuse me?" Lexi pulls on her famous smirk, "Because last time I checked, you were that freshman who was always trying to get laid." Lexi steps closer to me. Big mistake.

Before I can comprehend what's happening, I have a fistful of Lexi's dark hair, pulling it tightly.

"Woah, dude, chick fight!" Kaison's voice conceives from somewhere in the room.

I hear rushed footsteps coming towards us. Two large hands pry me off of Lexi.

"Fuck you!" I lash out as I struggle to slip from JP's hold. JP? Of course.

"Woah, woah calm down." I hear Ryan shout over the commotion as he roughly pulls Lexi into him. She too is fighting his hold.

"Fuck you Lexi! I've been here for you since day one, and now your going to turn on me?! Over this asshole?!" I gesture to Ryan, who doesn't seem affected at all by my harsh words.

"Stop fucking calling him a asshole! Maybe i've only known him for a night, but I feel like he could possibly be the one!" She looks like she's on the verge of tears.

"The one? Are you fucking kidding me Lexi?! Do you hear yourself? Your going insane! Just because one boy sleeps with you and mutters he loves you in bed doesn't mean shit! Drew has done everything he possibly could for you, and you repay by doing this? You little whore!" The words come tumbling out of my mouth before I can stop them.

She stops moving. Her eyes staring straight into mine. Her dark green eyes.

"L-Lexi. I didn't mean it I swear!" But it's too late. She makes a quick exit up the staircase and into Ryan's room, I presume.

Ryan shoots me a hard glare before chasing after Lexi, calling her name.

"Oh my god. What did I do." I whisper, crumbling to the cold floor.

"Hey, hey it's okay. " JP hush's my sobs while pulling me in for hug. I don't even care right now. Let him hug me. Screw it.

"Oh god. Oh my fucking god." I whisper again. "I'm such a fucking idiot." I let the tears fall down my face, onto JP's shoulder.

"It's okay. Both of you guys just need time to calm down. Do you want to lay down for a little bit?" JP pulls me closer, not giving me time to answer before lifting me up.

Normally I would have slapped JP by now, telling him to get his hands off me, but I'm too shocked by my own words to care. JP gently lays me down on a bed.

"Call me if you need anything." JP smiled sincerely before heading towards the door.

"Wait!" I blurt, causing him to turn.

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