Chapter 9 * Caught in the act

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"JP?" I question, the body laughs evilly before grabbing my neck and crashing his lips into mine.

We both moan emensley through out our make out session. His hands slowly make his way up my naked body under Ryan's jersey. Oh no Ryan! I try to pull away but I'm only pulled in closer. I scream out for help, it's not long before a tall figure comes crashing through door grabbing JP by the shirt and throwing him into the wall.

I crawl to the top of the bed and cover my eyes. I hear loud noises of Ryan punching JP multiple times and cussing him out, I peek slightly when the noises stop and I hear JP groan, I peek through my hands and see him laying on the floor covered in blood, he pulls himself off the floor and exits the room. Ryan again cusses him out before slamming the door and running his hands through his hair.

"You okay baby?" He sighs crawling over to me.

"No." I honestly state and lean into him. He pulls me close and starts to sing

Uncover by Zara Larrson.

(I know you won't read it but I put it there anyways lol)

Nobody sees

Nobody knows

We are a secret

can't be exposed

That's how it is

That's how it goes

Far from the others

Close to each other

In the daylight

in the daylight

When the sun is shining

On a late night,

on a late night

When the moon is blinding

In the plain sight

Plain sight

Like stars in hiding

You and I burn on, on

Put two and together forever

We'll never change

two and together

We'll never change

Nobody sees

Nobody knows

We are a secret

can't be exposed

That's how it is

That's how it goes

Far from the others

Close to each other

That's when we uncover,

cover, cover.

Thats what we uncover,

cover, cover.

My asylum

My asylum

Is in your arms

When the world gives heavy burdens

I can bare a thousand tons

On your shoulder

on your shoulder

I can reach an endless sky

Feels like paradise

Put two and to-gether - forever

We'll never change

two and to-gether

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