Chapter 2 * He likes me, he likes me not

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Chapter 2 -

Mat's POV-

I was talking to my friends about the Lakers game last night when I heard an annoying, squeaky voice bouncing off the walls.

"Mat!" She squealed running up to my side.

My shoulders tensed up as I turned around.

"Hey." I said faking any possible interest in what she wanted to tell me.

It was Brittney the school slut. She always flirts with me.

"You look hot today!" She said seductively twirling her hair.

Then she leaned into me and placed her perfectly manicured hands on my legs. She was all over me.

"Get off!" I groaned throwing my head back. But it wasn't enough to make her budge, so I pushed her a little.

"I know you want me." She said biting her lip.

"Actually no, I really don't." I answered honestly.

"Oh you'll come around, they always do!" she winked and walked away swaying her hips.

My friends all laughed as she walked away. She's disgusting.

"Hey mat!" I heard hushed voice.

"Oh hi Lexi!" I smiled. Finally someone normal.

"I need a favor." she whispered waving me away from my friends.

I walked over to her and sat on the table next to her skinny frame.

"Okay what is it?" She leaned on the table and looked around for anybody who might be eaze-dropping. Once the coast was clear she motioned me to come closer. I leaned into her so she could whisper.

"Okay you see that new kid over there?" She whispered and pointed to a brunette headed boy standing in the hallway.

"Oh yeah. Adam, I think?" I tried to remeber his name.

"Anthony." She rolled her eyes, "Anyways, can you get his number for me?"

I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Do you like him?" I whisper-shouted.

"Shhhh!" She covered my mouth.

"No I'm dating Drew! But uh, um a friend asked for his number okay? Don't tell him I asked. Don't tell anyone okay?" She said sternly, finally removing her hand from my mouth.

"Alright whatever you say." I winked at her.

"I swear if you tell another soul I will hurt you!" She said with low voice, her eyebrows limiting together.

"Okay, okay!" I laughed and threw my hands up in defense.

I popped up and headed Anthony's way while Lexi ran off in another direction.

Anthony's POV-

After Lexi ran off I couldn't get her out of my mind.

I cannot believe she turned shy because of me? I'm nothing special? I laughed to myself remembering her dimples peeking out when she introduced herself.

"Tony?" I heard a deep voice question.

I looked up to see this blonde haired, blue eyed boy. I think he's one of Drew's friends? If I recall correctly he's friends with Lexi too.

"Yeah?" I replied confused as to why he was talking to me.

"You know Lexi right?" He asked with really no emotion at all.

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