Chapter 7 * The Wrath of Ryan

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J'Den's POV-

"god dammit pick up lex!" I mutter into the phone, this is the 4th time I've called her and she's ignored me every time!

I finally reach the food court and I search for her, after I look around I see her talking to a dark haired boy who seems very familiar......Ryan! Oh hell no! I quickly make my way over to them.

"Lexi!" I call and she slowly turns around.

"Where have you been!" She says seeming pissed off.

"Uh? Where have I been? Where the fuck have you been? I had to deal with your weird phone call shit and your ass hasent answered my calls all fucking night!" I exclaim.

"Could you fit anymore cuss words into that sentence?" She says, sarcasm clear in her voice.

I sigh and see Ryan smirking at me.

"Oh so this is your friend?" He comments.

Lexi nods and smiles at him, oh shit she's in too deep.

"Ryan" he sticks his hand out to shake mine.

"J'Den" i say through my teeth as if we've never met before.

"Um Ryan invited us to hang out with him and his friends for the night okay?" Lexi says breaking the silence.

My eyes go wide and I speak sternly.

"Can I talk to you real quick?"

"Sure? Is that okay Ryan?" She blushes.

"Um sure I'll be over there with my friends." He points behind him and turns around.

"We can't hang with him" I sigh once he's far enough away to not hear us.

"Why not?" She whines

"Trust me, he's not who you think he is." I stare right at her.

"Well I've already decided that were going and you can't stop me! If you don't go I'm still going!" She crosses her arms and sticks her hip out slightly. Fuck she's so stubborn!

"Lexi..." I trail off. When she sets her mind to something it's really fucking hard to change her mind.

"Nope." she says loudly before grabbing her bags and walking over to Ryan.

"Fuck!" I groan and follow her.

We reach the guys and they are talking about some football or shit.

"Hey glad you could make it!" One of his friends wink at me. Ew gross. He's kinda cute tho? No! I'm dating Luke! Oops....I forgot to tell Lexi. She's gonna freak!

"This is JP and that's kaison." Ryan gestures to JP who is shorter with light brown hair that comes up slightly. He's a 9. Definitley a 9. What am I saying? I then look over to kaison? I think? He's very tall with dark skin like mine. Eh he's an 7.

"Alright well you lovely ladies ready?" Ryan asks. He's so annoying.

"Yep!" Lexi squeaks and he smiles at her then puts his arm around her waist while walking to the door.


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J'Den's POV

I can't believe I'm in this fucking car again. I thought back to all of the things Ryan and I did in this very car. Lexi would really not want to know what happened in her seat.

"So, J'Den, where do you go to school?" JP looked over at me with a warm smile.

"I go to a fashion school in London." I smiled back at him. Damn, he is so fucking hot. No, stop you have a boyfriend!

"Nice." He smiled at me again. "I've always wanted to date a girl with good fashion sense." He winks at me before looking back at Kaison and talking about basketball.

"So Lexi," I turned to hear Ryan talking to Lexi. I really need to warn her about him soon.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Ryan was so fucking straight forward.

"w-well.." Lexi stuttered. Oh hell no! She is not going to tell him she doesn't have a boyfriend! I jumped in before she could lie.

"Yes she does! You know Drew Hayes? You know, the tall, handsome, althetic, popular, sexy-" I was cut off by an annoyed Lexi.

"Okay J'Den that's enough." She glared at me from the front seat. "As J'Den so rudely told you, yeah I'm dating drew." Her voice was small as she told Ryan. I smiled and sat back in my seat. I can't wait to see the look on Ryan's face.

"Oh.." Ryan smiled, keeping his eyes on the road. What the fuck? He shouldn't be happy about that? Maybe he doesn't like her. Thank God, that would be one less heartbreak for Lexi. I felt a warm hand wrap around my waist as someones hot breath reaches my ear.

"How about when we get to the house, me and you have a little fun in my room, yeah?" I turned to see JP looking at me with his dark chocolate brown eyes. I laughed, then I leaned in close to his face, leaving only an inch in between us. I ran my fingers through the side of his hair, pulling him even closer to me. I slowly and seductively whispered in his ear.

"How about.." I slid my other hand down his torso. "You fuck off sicko." I pushed him away from me with disgust. I can't believe he thought I would sleep with him after I just met him! I mean the boy has barely said a word to me!

"Fine." He muttered as Kaison laughed at his failed attempt.

"Here we are." Ryan turns into the driveway of a familiar large house. Damn. I hate this house. And Ryan. And Lexi for being so stupid right now.

"You ladies can get situated in the guest rooms downstairs." Ryan smiles that same stupid smile. Ugh.

"JP why don't you show them to their rooms?" JP immediately looks over at me and winks. Um how about no.

"It's fine. I know where I'm going." I mutter before heading to the stairs with my shopping bags.

"Wait how do you know where his guest rooms are...?" Lexi looked at me with a weird expression.

"I-I uhm..." Well I guess I better tell her now before she gets in too deep.

"Ryan and I-" Ryan cut me off.

"Were good childhood friends! She used to come over here a ton. I guess I just didn't recognize her since she got prettier." Ryan looked at me, widening his eyes to tell me to play along.

"Right. Thanks." I muttered before heading up the front stairs.


Sorry this is a cliffhanger! How are you guys liking the book? Please do comment! I love to hear your thoughts! Thanks guys! Sorry there was probably a lot of typos I had to write this chapter on my phone really fast so please excuse any mistakes!

So guys one of my best friends J'Den wrote half of this chapter and the upcoming chapter so shoutout to her (: Please Leave





- Lexi

Not In Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें