Chapter 9

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"You can't ever scare me like that again, I almost had a heart attack." I scold Colleen. I managed to make a bonfire so we were sitting around it and drinking hot chocolate. "I didn't choose to faint dimwit," She throws back at me but then looks guilty.

"So you were feeling absolutely fine before you fainted? You have no idea why this happened?" I say while giving Colleen a look. "Josh, can you just leave me alone?" Colleen exclaims angrily. I decide to do what she asked. I head to the car before looking over my shoulder one more time, to see her face in her small hands.

When I check my watch I see it's 2am. I decide to get something to help me fall asleep. When I get out the car, I'm surprised by a Colleen who is still outside next to the dying fire, arms and legs sprawled everywhere and snoring gently. I sigh and try to pick her up as gently as possible without waking her up. When I succeed I open up the back of the car, revealing the mattress where she sleeps. I gently set her down, tuck her in bed and turn around to head to my sleeping quarters. But then I hear a mumble that sounds like Colleen that says,"Stay with me."

I turn around again and Colleen is lying there awake with the most adorable look on her face and I can't say no. "Okay." She shuffles along the bed to make space for me and I lay in the space next to her. "Thanks for doing this its just- I'm afraid to fall asleep alone," Colleen whispers and I can actually see the fear in her eyes now that she's mentioned it. "Why?" She hesitates, "I can't tell you now. But you'll understand one day."

And then her back is facing me again and I can feel the barrier between us.

I suck at updating I'm so sorry for neglecting this story, you have every right to hate me I'm so so so so so sorry I'll try and update more often.

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