Chapter 14

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After driving around for a couple of hours we found a mall. We bought the Polaroid camera and decided to save the pictures for when we got back to our premises. I was now in a tattoo parlour waiting to for my turn. You heard right. Somehow that sneaky little devil Colleen Ballinger twisted my arm and persuaded me to get a tattoo.

Few minutes later Colleen came out with a huge smile on her face. "Let me see," I say excitedly. When she sits down in the chair next to me, she whispers in my ear, "Later."

"Joshua Evans," the tattooist says in a deep voice. He looks like the thug type but when we get inside he's actually a very friendly and nice guy. "What can I do for you today, buddy?"


"Let's see yours first!" Colleen exclaims once we were back in the area and in our car. "Same time?" I suggest instead. She nods, and then on three we flash our skin to show our new tattoo. I wasn't sure where Colleen's tattoo was on her body, so I was surprised to say the least when Colleen ripped off her shirt.

She directed me to the left side of her ribs to where I saw, 'Spread Happiness' in cursive purple ink. "Wow," I breathed out. I couldn't help but reach out and touch it. I felt her flinch and then I realised it was still fresh and it was probably still painful.
"Sorry, it's just so beautiful." She then threw her shirt back on and said, "Okay, your turn."

I turn my bare back to face Colleen and she reads the tattoo out loud, "Be nice to people." Colleen did the same thing I did and reached out to touch it. It was hard to be sane with a beautiful girl practically breathing on my neck, touching my shirtless back, sending a million butterflies in my stomach to erupt.

"Nice," she finally said. I put my shirt back on and said, "Should we cross it off our list?" She looked at me with a smile and nodded at her.

Get a tattoo. (Done)

Sorry it's so short, I have a lot work since it's school but I wanted to update. There's probably like 5 more chapters left of this story :(

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