Chapter Forty-Seven Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Forty-Seven
Cyrus' POV

Saying I was angry was an understatement. Kian was dead. Sawyer was dead. And yet the person who murdered them, was still alive. How was that fair?

I sat beside Kian's body for as long as the hospital staff would let me. Though it wasn't very long, it felt like a lifetime. When I was finally kicked out, I didn't really know what to do, so I took a walk.

I walked wherever my legs carried me. I didn't care where I went, I just wanted to be alone. I soon found myself in the woods. Usually, the bright sun and beautiful surroundings would comfort me, but today, I found the calmness annoying and longed for the loud, busy streets of New York.

I missed the skyscrapers, and cafés, and the shops. I missed watching movies with Kian until I fell asleep, and I missed Ms. Summers and our long talks. I missed how normal my life was before I went to find Felix, before I remembered magic.

I soon realized I had walked to the wishing well Pan brought me to when I found out he had killed Sawyer. I walked up to it, sitting on its edge and looking down into the water below. I sighed and closed my eyes, listening to the sounds of the forest.

The birds chirped a melodious tone. The wind blew gently, pushing my hair back and forth as it changed directions. Kian would take me to Central Park on a day like this. I heard the crunch of leaves and spun around, fire crackling at my hands.

I froze, eyes wide, staring at the person in front of me. "Hades," I said quietly. "What are you doing here?"

"Just thought I should give my condolences for your loss," he replied, smirking. "Nice guy, Kian is- or, well he was. It's too bad, really, he has so much unfinished business, hard to tell when he'll ever be able to move on."

I clenched my fists. "Did you come here just to tell me that?"

"No, actually, I did come here for a purpose," he said, then held out his hand. "I thought you'd like to see your work."

A crystal ball appeared in his hand and it glowed red for a moment before showing a picture of the town square. Pan was in the center of it, with the heroes gathered around him. Emma held the Dark Curse, and Pan was struggling to remain standing.

"I get to watch him die?" I asked, glancing at Hades.

"Well of course," he replied. "You deserve it, after all."

My eyes flicked back to the crystal ball just in time to see my enemy fall. Hades' smirk grew as Pan stopped breathing. When he went limp, I was able to see him better. He was pale and the Dreamshade spindles had spread across his face. The heroes seemed shocked but at the same time, relieved. I looked back at Hades.

"Good job, Cyrus," he said and flicked his wrist. Sawyer appeared at his side in a flash of light. "Here's your son, as promised, alive and well."

"Sawyer," I whispered and he ran to me. I grabbed him, hugging him to me tightly. "Oh, baby, you're ok."

"Mum, what happened?" he asked, pulling away. He was crying.

"That doesn't matter now," I replied, wiping away his tears and trying to hold back my own. "You're all right and that's all that matters."

Sawyer glanced around. "Where are we?" he asked. "Where's Papa?"

"We're in Storybrooke, a town in another land," I replied. "You're father is..." I hesitated, wanting to say that he was dead so I could leave without Jacob finding out Sawyer was alive. "He's in town. He'll be so happy to see you."

I glanced once more at Hades before putting my hand on Sawyer's back and guiding him out of the forest. He was filled with questions. "What land are we in?" he asked.

"The Land without Magic," I replied. "Though this town is special here: It does have magic."

"Do you have control of your powers now?"

I smiled and stopped, turning toward him and kneeling down. I raised my hand and fire danced from my palm onto my fingertips, elegant drops waving around.

My son watched with wide eyes, amazed. "It's so pretty," he said, transfixed on the flame.

The fire moved across the back of my hand and up my arm, disappearing when it reached the sleeve.

"Thank you, dear," I said, my smile growing.

He kept asking things as we went into town. Soon, I had him focused on playing a game on my phone, which confused him greatly but he enjoyed it. When we reached the apartment building, I went up, hiding Sawyer behind me before I knocked on Jacob's door.

He opened it a moment later, frowning when he saw me. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"We need to talk," I replied.

Sawyer peeked out from behind me, smiling giddily. "Papa!" he shouted and rushed toward him.

Jacob, robotically, hugged him back, staring at me with wide eyes. The three of us went inside and Jacob turned on the TV for Sawyer, which he sat in front of and watched with confused amusement.

Jacob pulled me into the closed-off kitchen, and we spoke in hushed tones. "What is he doing here?" he asked, shocked.

"I made a deal with Hades-"

"You did what?!"

"Just let me explain," I said. "A long time ago, before the curse, I met Hades. He told me Sawyer was dead but he'd give him back to me if I killed Pan. I forgot all about it until Wendy reminded me he was dead."

"You forgot our son was dead?"

"I forgot everything. I took my memories centuries ago."

"But you did kill Pan?"

"Yes," I rolled my eyes. "But that's not important; what are we going to do?"

He was quiet a minute. "I don't know," he said. "We could get married."

I scoffed. "I already made that mistake once."

He glared at me. "Well what else do you suggest?"

I shrugged, feeling helpless. "I don't want a custody battle," I said. "That wouldn't be good for him, especially after everything he's been through."

"Well, there goes the annulment," he muttered. "With a kid involved, we'll need a full divorce."

"Not necessarily."

"It'd be easier that way."

"I just said I didn't want a custody battle."

"Well why can't we have dual custody?"

I took a breath. "How are we supposed to do that, Jacob? I live in New York."

He frowned. "He can live with you for part of the year and with me for the other."

"Do you really want to do that to him?"

Jacob looked at the ground. "You could always just move to Storybooke."

"I don't belong here. I don't belong with magic anymore."

He looked back up at me. "Then we're back to the marriage thing, aren't we?"

I was quiet. I didn't want to but maybe... If we cross the town line, we'd lose our memories, but if we got new ones, we could live in peace. Then there was our age difference... Well, I didn't have to live as a seventeen-year-old for all eternity; I could easily become thirty and stay like that forever... Oh goodness, I'd be old. But, for Sawyer's sake, maybe that'd be best.

"All right," I muttered.

"What?" Jacob asked.

"I'll marry you... Again."

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