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Phoe and Marshall arrived at the school grounds, people were starting to go home, since it was lunch. Some of the exhibition people were also heading out.

Marshall looked around to find Gumball's spot. He then saw a crowd of people not so far from him. Seems like the people were asking a lot of questions. Marshall told Phoe and walked towards it.

Marshall saw a familiar face who was at the table answer the questions. ..alone.

"Simone!" Marshall slammed his palm on the table infront of her. "I knew you'd take Gumball's place somehow. "

Simone narrowed her eyes after notiving the people started walking away because of the scene Marshall was making. "I took Gumball's place b-"

"Aha! I KNEW IT!"

She squinted her eyes"-because he started hyperventilating after a few couple questions." She pointed at the boys bathroom. "He told me he was just going to go there, but Turnle found out he was having a little hard time to breathe. "

"Why didn't you help him?" Marshall started to  get worried.

"Uh cause, I can't leave all these questioning people, but since you scared them all off. I  guess we can all go now."

She stood up from the chair leading them to the boys bathroom. Once they reached it Marshall slowly opened the door all of them peeked but the room was empty.

All went in looking at the door if Gumball was there, they tried not to say a word so Gumball wouldn't know they were there.

Marshall placed his ear on one of the door, he heard  faint panting from the other side.

"Bubba?" He asks hoping for an answer. "It's Marshall, can I come in?"

Nobody answered.

"Do you need anything?" Marshall asked his voice sooth enough not to scare Gumball.

"I'm fine, really." He answered, but his voice was a little shrivled.

Marshall looked over at Phoe and Simone as they watched attentively. He motioned them to leave them for a while.

Phoe winked and grabbed Simone out of the bathroom.

Marshall opened the door slowly as it made creeky sounds. He found Gumball sitting down at the toilet seat, slouching with his face covering his face. Bubbs knew he was there, he didn't want to face him, because it was embarrassing to tell me m that ye bailed his own showcase just because he was claustrophobic.

"I'm such a wad." He whispers his voice was shaking, a symptom before he was about to cry.

"N-no you're not." Marshall kneeled down in from of him grabbing his hands removing it from his face.

"Y-you say it yourself, everyday. " Gumball stared down at him. "I can't even talk to people for a second. "

"I don't mean it, Bubbs." He replies holding Gumball's hand tighter, intertwining his fingers with his. "C'mon! You're Gumball Ward! The Magnacumlaude of Wallwerd University."

Gumball smiled clampsing his hands againts his.

He was scared being infront of people, but Marshall was there and it made everything feel a little bit more better.

It was kind of incoherent, because the fair would only last for the morning, Marshall's words were likely useless at that point already, but even so Gumball was glad he got him out of the bathroom.


A few days just after the exhibit, was Graduation day.

Students were all by the opening, adding a few touches to themselves.

It was hard to let go of all those amazing years, but they say there are nothing more better than a wonderful end of the hard work you've been through.

Gumball arranged his watch checking the time, it was just minutes before the ceremony starts, he brushed his slick hair back putting his mortaorboard on his head blowing the tassels away from his face.

"Gummy!" A feminine voice came from behind.

He looked back seeing his 7 year-old cousin "Bonnie" running towards him. She leaped in order to reach his older cousin.

Gumball laughed carrying her in his arms hugging her tightly. "It's nice to see you Bonnie." He whispers into her ear.

"I missed you, Gumbah!" She answers hugging him back.

Her parents stared to appear from the distance, Gumball soon noticed as she brought Bonnie down holding her hand.

"Auntie, Uncle. I'm happy to see you here." He smiles hugging both of them.

"Geez, it's hard to find you in this crowd." His Aunt says placing her delicate hands across his face. "I'm so proud of you, honey." She says kissing his forehead.

"So am I, son" his Uncle added pinching his cheeks after that Gumball laughed from their cheesy-ness.

"After all these years see you growing, I am so happy." She says looking at how well dressed his nephew was. "It's hard to see you grow up and make your own decisions. "

"Don't worry Auntie, I'll always be there to see you all anyway." He says.

Then the Graduation song started to play. Gumball looked over at the line that was forming for the students to come in.

"Well, I gotta go." He says waving and rubbing Bonnie's hair."See you later."

The ceremony started, and not too long it was already at the point of taking their diplomas.

It was still a little later before He could recieve his. He started looking around hoping to see a few of his Friends. Phoe was beside him looking trough his phone Lsp was a few rows away, eating a sandwich. Simone already got her diploma as she walked down the stage she waved at Gumball gave her a wink.

He just then realized Marshall was not around. He thought he was probably just late.

Not too soon when it was time for Marshall's class to walk up the stage, Marshall wasn't there. Gumball stood up scooting over to reach Lsp, who just sat after getting his diploma. He sat beside him, which was supposed to be the chair Marshall was going to sit on.

"Hey, Lennard," he tapped his shoulder. "Where's Marshall?"

Lsp looked at him looking jusy done as ever. "At our dorm."

"What the hell is he still doing there?" He asked nearly yelling but manages to lower down his voice.

"Dude, be cool." He says taking another sandwich from his bag. "He's just sick, and whatever. "

"What?" Gumball stood up from his seat. "He's alone?"

"I guess," Lennard scratched his chin. "He told me to leave him. So I did."

Unbelievable. Gumball says in his mind. He doesn't understand if Lsp was even a good friend to Marshall.

He did not say another word. He scoited from chair to chair until he reached his adviser. "Sir, I need to be excused, immediately."

"You sure Mr. Ward?" He says with his arms crossed. "Our class is next for the recieving."

Gumball opened his mouth to speak not until the stage host mentioned the next class. "Class A-1! Please give them a round of applaulse."

Gumball shooked his head. "Thank you, sir. I will just come back here to take my diploma." He says running out of the school hall.

He went out the school running through the parking lot. It was kind of frisky to leave the Graduation ceremony in the time of receiving his diploma.

Sometimes he even wonders what that diploma was for anyway. It was just a piece of paper with his name on it anyway.  It was just paper that showed he graduated.

None of it matters right now.

He does wonder why it doesn't matter anymore to him. He's been dreaming about it when he wasl still 7 years old, why now that he was just one step away.

Why did it feel like it was worthless?

Because he found something more worth it, maybe.

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