Story Telling

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Gumball's was exceeding the speed limit on the road. He didn't pay attention to any of the signs he was passing by, because his eye sight was getting a little tipsy after buying alcohol from a nearby supermarket.

It wasn't long when he got pulled over by a police man. He leaned against his seat and hid the bottle under his feet.

The cop leaned his arms on his car window. "I know you." He grins. "You're the pink haired guy, what was your name again?"

Gumball rolled his eyes. "Gumball. "

"Ah yes, the guy who was fighting with the other guy." He points at his face. "Have been drinking much?"

"No." He looks down.

"Doesn't smell like it." He gestures to the scent of his shirt. "Is this about your friend of yours?"

"No! Nothing is wrong."

"Who drinks for no reason?" He chuckles. "Wait! My father does, he died when I was three." He joked, buy his dad was dead already. "But you son, you have a problem. Care to share? "

"You wouldn't understand. "

"You want me to drive you home? I can't just let you drive around the city bumping over every lamp post. " he says opening the car door.

"Knock your self out officer, I'm just going to ruin you with my thoughts. "Gumball scooted to the other chair.

The cop started the engine and asked Gumball his address and eventually he told him. The nthey drove off.


Gumball jolted up from his bed looking around, noticing he was in his bedroom. He looked out the window and realized more snow were pouring down more than yesterday.

He held his head tight after a shot of killing migraine hit his head like a bullet. He hasn't had a headache like this since he was stressed from the individual project that was given to him.

He placed his feet down to the floor as he grabbed his glasses putting it over his eyes.

He didn't really remember much yesterday and he wasn't sure if ut was a dream. All he remembers was him looking through a window, seeing Marshall kissing a girl in the couch.

That was the only thing he remembers and nothing more.

He guessed it was a dream, it definitely was a dream. Although how come he felt a little nauseous an dizzy first thing in the morning. He didn't drink, did he?

He slipped his feet into his fluffy shoes and went downstairs. He stared at the clock realizing it was only a few minutes before lunch.

"You certainly woke up early today. "His Auntie says looking at him while she was reading the newspaper.

"What happened?" He looks over at her he answered weakly.

"We don't know." She answers flipping the page. "You could ask the police man that brought you home last night. He told us you said a lot of pretty messed up things. "

Gumball sat beside her."Maybe later." He leans his head on her shoulder staring into the page she was reading."Auntie, I've thought about changing my last name. "

"Mmhhm?" She hums.

"I want to be a Mendell." He whispered. "I might be staying at my parents' custody, but I don't think I'd deserve the Ward title. "

"Bobby, you're going back to see your real family." She strokes his head. " I understand what you mean, but you don't need to."

"Well, can I atleast call you Mom from now on?" He whispers. "I've never been able to call anyone that."

"Of course you can baby cakes." She kisses his forehead.


Gumball went out the door jangling his keys in his hands as he walks towards his car, noticing the headlights and the truck were completely broken and deformed.

Gumball started to think this was the Cop's fault not his. Maybe it was better if he would call out a taxi. He waited by the road looking out for any cabs.

Not long when one parked infront of him. He went inside taking his hat off. "Police station,sir."

He arrived by the Station, no one seems to be around that time but the door was open,he peaked seeing only one cop spinning around in the chair.

The cop noticed him and smiled as he stopped from his spinning nirvana. "I see you came to visit."

Gumball sheepishly laughed. The cop motioned to sit beside his desk.

"What brings you here?" He smiles looking at him. "By the way you look better when you're not drunk. "

"Uh, I came here to ask you a few questions. " he scratched his head. "First, where are the other cops?"

"Oh, just still on there lousy lunch break."He leans back on his chair.

"I see." He looks over at the empty desks. "Sir, what did I tell you last night?"

"Oh,you told me your problem. About you seeing the man you love, kiss a girl sexually on the couch. " He chuckles.

So it wasn't a dream...

"I don't know what to do now." He looks down to his hands.

"If I were you kid, I would fight for it. It's either he played with you or he found you boring."

"Thank you for your time, sir. But I have to think about this myself. "He stands up from his seat and started walking out the door.

"But, maybe. He left you for a reason.  Who knows." He advised. "I'll be here any time."

Gumball didn't reply instead he kept walking out. He put his hands into his pockets and looked out at the road. It was quiet, like the night they had to walk back to the car.

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