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Their camping ended a week before, but it wasn't something to make them stop hanging out.

Gumball waited out by Phoe's house. He just went throught a game board battle with him and his siblings and now he's waiting for Marshall to pick him up.

Not long when Marshall arrived, his red car parked right infront of him. He went out the car brushing his hair back adjusting his shades.  He opened the door for him.

"You're looking fine, sugar." He smirks.

"Thanks but, I'm a guy you don't need to open the door for me." He says entering and shuts the door.

Marshall laughed at his own joke entering from the other  side

They drove through town searching for a place to stop by to have lunch.

"Don't you have a car, sugar boy?" He asks.

"Yeah, I sold it." He saids blankly.

"Pff, Why?"

"I didn't need it." He smiles at him."Beside I have someone to drive me now."

"Ha ha ha." He rolls his eyes but it didn't hide the blush over his face.

"Can I ride?"


"Can I take the wheel?" He says pointing at the wheel. " I know a restaurant. "

"Y'know you could just tell me where it is."

"Yeah but, I miss riding cars."

"Fine, but if you do something to Vanessa, you're paying." He says parking the car.

They switched places. Gumball sat on the driver's seat feeling the wheel. "Buckle up!" He yells.

"Please. " Marshall brushed his hair back."I don't do seat belts."

"Too bad," he starts the engine."My uncle has been a coach in car racing 11 times." He grips the wheel.

"Bubbs?" He says unsure. "I-" Gumball started to pierce through the city road like a bullet.

"Watch the light post- PEDESTRIANS! CARS! MORE FUCKING CARS!" Marshall covered his eyes, if Gumball hits anything it with his car, therefore it was his responsibility.

"Here we are." Gumball sighed looking out at the open windoe. "This is was where my parents first dated."

Marshall opened his eyes staring, at the park where a few tables were placed in the meadow.

"Every year, the mayor's children host a very special barbecue lunch place." He goes out the car."and my parent's attended one. Besides I heard you were soft for barbecues. "

"Yeah," Marshall lowers down his glasses hiding another blush on his face. "This isn't a date, is it?"

"Whaaat." Gumball laughed."Nah, this is just a hang." He added grabbing his arm.


"So when Phoe was completely distracted, I grabbed his keys throwing them under the couch!" Gumball laughs nearly flipping the table.

"Wait, so you're the reason why he's always taking so long before we go out." Marshall chuckled covering his mouth with his hand.

"Yeah, speaking of cars. Where did you get your-Vanessa?" Gumball says sipping from his smoothie.

"Uh, My mom didn't really say." He looks at the sky flipping pages through his mind."Why?"

"I want to buy one that looks like her." He chuckles.

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