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Marshall walked in the bathroom putting down his clothes somewhere near and hanged his towel on the shower window. Iy was surprising that a cavern in the woods had a bathroom that was fit for a king.

It had a shower area a bath tub and everything, by the looks of it he'd say the measure of it was 5 by 5 meters. He can't believe how rich the Petrikov family was.

The Petrikovs were known for their brains and mathematically smart people, no wonder they were feeding themselves with gold spoons. Metaphorically.

This Cavern wasn't their home, it was used for being a hotel once, it was said Simone was even going to continue the business.

Marshall turned the knob as the hot pouring water started to rain down to his skin. He splashed a hand full of water to his face and shook it off.


Gumball was in the bathtub, playing with the water splashing it to his face. He brushed back some of his hair, when he remembered the kiss he had with Marshall a few moments ago.

He touched his lips closing his eyes imaging how good it felt when Marshall's lips were crashing down on his. He giggles slightly but got disturbed when he heard someone come in.

He lowers down into the water, good thing the curtain that was covering him wasn't see through.

He didn't ask who it was because it probably would cause awkwardness, he thought someone came in just to get something. Maybe they'll leave in an instant.


He heard the shower start, that person definitely wasn't going to leave for a while, and so was he.

He just hoped that the person showering was a fast-showering-person.

It wasn't long when Gumball got bored, he has been staring at the same tile for 11 minutes already. He hasn't had nothing to think of because he was practically vacation.

He then heard, the person hummed a very smooth tune. He was star strucked, hearing how angelic the humming sounded. He closed his eyes imaging specific people that would fit the voice of the humming.

It wasn't long when the humming turned to a lyriced song.

Baby you showed me what living is for.
I don't want to hide anymore.

"Damn, I wish I had my bass was with me right now." The showering man says Gumball widened his eyes.

"Marshall?" He blushes calling out from his tub.

Marshall jolted in surprise. He looked out from the shower door, looking around to see if Gumball was there, or was he imagining his voice now.


"You have a really nice voice." He giggles shyly." I'm in the tub."

Marshall's face flushed red realizing he was in the bathroom with Gumball. But not technically.

"Do you want me to leave?" He asks looking at the curtains over the bath tub, then Gumball's face popped out from it.

"No, you can go ane continue-" he smirks."as long as you keep singing for me he joked."

Marshall grinned."After that kiss, now you want to here my voice?" He laughs pervertly.

Gumball blushed throwing soap at his face. "Gosh! You always think everything has to be sexual." His face turns more red. " I just wanted to hear you sing."

Marshall chuckled "All right, all right. You're wish is my command sugar boy. " he says getting back into the water.

Gumball smiled sitting back down to his tub. Waiting for Marshall to start singing.

"Hey," Marshall said instead of singing."How bout I call you sugar boy from now on?"

"No it sounds childish."

"Yeah, exactly. You look like one?" He taunted.

"Marshall when are you going to sing?" He squinted his eyes.

"I'm not, not until you let me call you sugar." He laughs.

"Nevermind." Gumball went out of the tub. Drying his hair and put on new clothes.

He flushed the water out the tub as he walked out."See you later, Marsh."

"Leaving already, sugar?" He chuckles.

"Yes." He says shutting the door.

Marshall looked up seeing he actually gone."Wait! Sugar! I didn't mean it." He quickly put on clothes running out the bathroom, able to catch Gumball exiting the hall.

He grabbed his arm. "Wait!" He pulled him back. "I'll sing you a song in the shower, I promise."

Gumball raised a brow. He was about to response when he heard shattering noises not from a far.

Both looked at the direction of the noise, seeing Simone drop tje plates on the floor her jaw dropped looking at both of them. And it wasn't only her.

Fionna was already spilling the coffee, Phoe was giggling and Lsp was just plain shock.

Marshall re-said his words and realized there was nothing more perverted than what he just said.

Gumball glared over at him as he sheepishly smiled. He took his hand off and continued to walk to the rooms upstairs.

Marshall looked over his eyes telling him. "Don't go~"

Phoe walked beside him, wrapping his hands over his shoulders. "Ha ha, Marshall..marshall, my friend. "

Marshall squinted his eyes over him."It's not what you think. "

"Right." He says sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"We did do anything!" He yells.


It was lunch time, all of them were round up in the table, waiting for Simone to serve the food.

But rather than that, they were all looking at Marshall and Gumball.

"Spill it! SPILL IT!" Lsp yells.

"No." Marshall hissed and looked over at Gumball who was wearing his glasses instead of contacts that time.

"It wasn't anything like that guy." Gumball says taking his glasses off rubbing his eyes. "Marshall accidently came in the bathroom, he didn't know I was there."

"Right, and I bet he sang you're name too." Phoe says nudging his elbow to Marshall's arm.

Marshall turned red, ignoring their question.

Gumball chuckled. " I ask Marshall to sing me a song, because his voice is really soothing."

"Uhuh." Fionna grinned.

"What is with you guys and your devilish smiles?"

"NEWB!" Fionna screams in a mocker-ish voice. It wasn't long when Lsp join in and so did Phoe.

"Newb! Newb! Newb"

"What" Marshall stood up slamming his fist on the table." Just because he doesn't understand a dirty joke, you have to make fun of him?"

"Hey, Marsh." Gumball tapped his arm. "I understand it. I just want them to understand what really happened."

"Marshall, who's side are you on?" Lsp's says crossing his arms.

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