Chapter Five

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"Now let's just say for the sake of it, but if in fact Meri was half hippogriff and half mermaid, what do you suppose she would look like?" Hope asked as she and Henry ventured down the halls for Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"Are we really having this conversation...again?" Henry asked peering over his shoulder as Hope had hitched a piggy-back ride.

"You didn't give me a good answer the first time I asked, so yes." Hope responded with a grin.

Henry sighed. "Alright, well..I guess it would depend on who she took after mostly. The hippogriff or the mermaid?"

"Just for the fun of it, let's say she takes after the hippogriff's side more."

Henry chuckled as he shifted to adjust her leg. "Well, let's see. I'm assuming she would have beak."

"Yes!" Hope cheered as they were actually having the conversation she was hoping for.

"And feathers..possibly all on top, just meeting where her tail would begin."

"She could fly and swim! Deadly in the sea and in the air...beware! The HippoMaid."

Henry came to a stop in the corridor and looked at her. "The HippoMaid? Really? It sounds like a hippo who does house cleaning services."

"Well you come up with one better."

"A Mergriff."

"That sounds like you're trying to say something with your mouth full." Hope laughed.




"You two sound utterly insane walking around saying whatever you're saying."

The two looked over and saw Elliot fall in step with them along with Eliza.

"We're trying to come with a hybrid name for Meri if you must know." Hope said.

"What?" The two said looking her.

"Hope and I were discussing if my grandmother was in fact part hippogriff and mermaid what would she look like. And then the conversation led to Hippomaid, but I thought that sounded like  Hippo Cleaning Service, so we've been working on it."

"I don't know why I asked." Elliot shook his head. "I know better not to ask, yet I still do it."

"Where's Stella?" Hope asked Eliza noting the missing twin.

"Um..well you know Daniel Nott...Slytherin?"

'Yeah?" Henry said.

"No." Hope shook her head. "But go on."

"Well, they were talking in the Great Hall, you know about classes and what not. But I guess Teddy assumed they were talking about other matters, so he started teasing her about snogging Daniel...and the last I saw them, Teddy was running and she was chasing him."

"Oh Teddy." Hope shook her head. "It was nice knowing him. He'll be missed greatly. Note the time and day of death that Edward Remus Lupin was killed by a dragon."

"Almost killed."

The group turned around to see Teddy running up behind them. "Almost killed by a dragon." he said slightly winded.

"How did you lose her?" Hope grinned at her uncle.

"I didn't."

Teddy sighed before taking off again. The group exchanged glances until they saw Stella round the corner.

"Yeah, he's dead. Might as well go tell his father." Henry said casually as he carried Hope towards the classroom. Elliot said goodbye to Eliza before leaving with Henry and Hope for class.

As they reached the class, Hope slid down Henry's back in time to greet her grandfather.

"Hey Grandpa Re..." she stopped herself before clearing her throat. "I mean, good day Professor Lupin."

Remus chuckled. "Miss Weasley."

"Can I just call you Professor Grandpa? It feels so weird calling you Professor Lupin..' Hope said. "I'm still slipping."

"That just means you have to practice more." Remus teased her before moving aside to let the students file in.

Hope sat beside Henry as Elliot took the seat behind them waiting for other students to arrive.

"I swear, I'm never going to get used to it." Hope said.

"Oh boo hoo. My mum and dad are both here. You know how many times I've slipped and called my mum to ask a question during class?" Henry huffed.

"Your dad is the one who finds it the funniest." Hope reminded him. "Professor Padfoot and Professor Moony with Professor Flipper."

"We should come up with code names like them..."

"For what?"

"For fun! Stop questioning it!" Henry said.

"Okay, okay. GuppyPuppy. There...there's yours. Although, I did like Peeves personal choice of Sea Cow."

"Well, what's yours then, do you like Hope the Dope?"

"Are you guys actually doing this right now?" Elliot questioned them.

"What else are we supposed to be doing?" Hope asked him.

"I..I.." Elliot furrowed his brow before dropping his head down to the table.

"Angry quidditch babies, am I right?" Henry whispered to Hope.

"I heard that!" Elliot lifted his head from the table and glared at him.

"Elliot's would be Quaffle." Hope laughed.

"No I-"

"Or Bludger." Henry snorted.

They watched as Elliot grew redder and redder in the face. Henry held onto Hope's arm.

"O-or Elliot. Such a lovely name. Wouldn't you agree, Hope?"


"You two can be such idiots sometimes." Elliot said as his expression softened.

"Yes, but we're your idiots." Henry grinned at him.

"Forever." Hope got in Elliot's face abruptly causing the boy to screech and fall out of his seat.

"Settle down, you three." Remus warned them in passing.

"Uh oh, Professor Moon Moon, looks upset." Henry whispered.

"What did you say?" Remus turned around.

"Nothing!" Henry and Hope smiled but Hope pointed to Henry secretly.

Henry looked down and saw her finger before quickly grabbing it making her growl. Remus shook his head before leaving to the front, before Hope bit Henry's hand.

Henry suppressed a whimper before jerking his hand back and shaking it. 

"Uncalled for." he said under his breath to her.

"You started it!"

As class finished up, Professor Lupin gave the students their homework assignment to research the boggart before their next lesson.

"I swear all I've ever heard was stories about Boggarts growing up with Greatpa Ly Ly."  Hope said blowing a strand of hair from her face.

"Good, so you can do the assignment for the both of us."

"Uh no."

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