bad dreams

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I wake up at the sound of my mom's voice. I open my eyes startled , my whole family is now standing in my room. I wipe the sweat off of my forehead, and take a deep breath .
"Wh...what happened? What's goin on ?", I ask breathless. I look around to see everyone disappear. And then I ser him again .
"You never loved me ", he said his expressions completely blank . I run towards him as soon as I reach him he turns to dust and I am left bewildered and unable to feel that soothing , familiar touch again. Come back please. Then I find myself in a confined room all alone . The room is immediately filled with voices . His voice . His cries . I cover my ears with my hands and scream . Scream on the top of my lungs . No . This can't be happening.
I wake up to find myself in my own room safe and sound. I glance over to the dream catcher on my bed post.
"Stupid thing . You're supposed to keep my bad dreams away", I budge it to one side .
________________________________________ I look around . Sun slowly fills up the Room. My dad is in army . He left for war . I miss him so very much. I often wake up in soundless sleepless nights hoping he'd be safe. He contacts us when.ever he gets a chance . My mom is really sick . She is worried . We live at our grandfather's. I have started middle school but I stil am a little lost. Sometimes I feel the urge to lock my self up and cry .. cry as hard as I can. But daddy say I gotta be strong for my mom.
"Sam! It's dad .. he wants to talk to you hurry up he's on hold", I suddenly jolt at my mom's words and run out my room . I take the phone from her hands and pick up all the courage to finally speak.
"Hello sammantha how are you?", my dad says .
"Never better sir , how are you and your troops ?", I say firmly . Just how he likes it .
"They are well and determined as always . Are you taking care of your family soldier ? ", he asks .
"Yes sir ", I say holding back tears . He wants me to be strong for my mother and I have to be .
"Ok keep it up .. and work hard in school I'll talk to you soon bye", he says .
"Ok bye", I say . Bye dad . I hand over the phone to my mom and go to my room.
Life was a lot easier when dad was here. I sit near my window and stare outside . After a while I hear giggles . That's when I notice it had been 2 hours since dad hung up. I notice my friends making their way to my home so I start to get ready not wanting to delay them for when they come over. As soon as I tie up my Brown hair in a ponytail I hear a knock on the door. I take one last glance in the mirror . My eyes a light shade of Brown . My eyes glistened in the sunlight that filled my room . My lips a light shade of pink and my mind was in haze . My friends enter the room and I am immediately whipped out of my sea of thoughts .
I smile and join them as we leave my home to enjoy the awesome weather outside . We looked around and head towards the park where we were all supposed to meet . We sit around and wait for everyone. Apparently everything has changed since the last time I came here . Turns out we don't get to play anymore. I take a higher ground and watch as the park immediately fills with guys and they start playing football. I recognise only one of the guys playing. It's Jake .our families are really close so we've known eachother for a long time now. Just then I notice another face .. a slightly familiar face but it still ain't ringing the bell . That's just when I feel someone elbow me .
"I see troy's got your attention", my bestfrind amber says smirking.
"What?", I say a bit embarrassed. I must've been staring a long time for her to notice . Shit !
"Wait.. hold up.. hold up hold up .. that's troy? The one who used to tease me and bully me? That's him ?", I say astonished.
"Cute huh? ", she says making a joke.
"No .. I just.. uh. Look the game is starting", I tell her to shoo her off.
The game begins but I instantly zone out . I remember my dad.. its gonna be my birthday in two weeks... He promised he wwould be there. Now I ain't even sure if is coming. Man I hate this. Can't I be a normal kid with a father who isn't always fighting wars for the country. He keeps everyone safe. I instantly feel a headache.. I push the thoughts to the back of my mind trying not to think about it anymore. The girls sitting besides me all start commenting and hooting and cheering and as always I am left clue less.
"Sam", I immediately jolt at my father's voice . And its just then I realize . I was having a flash back. Ofcourse . I wasn't lucky enough to have it all over again .
"Coming", I say . I run out my parents are sitting in our garden. We moved away. Away from amber. Away from granny. Away from HIM.
That's just when I feel my phone buzz.
From: tiffany
Good morning babe :))))

Oh how I missed the times when he used to wake me up each morning . My life sucks . No its good this way.. its. Better.. he is safe as long as he is away. He is safe . He's happy. He doesn't need me . No point in thinking over. Stuff like this .

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