In Autumn wind

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In the Autumn wind , of my 17th year,I sit in my garden, relaxing , allowing myself to forget about the war. I let the cool air soak in and refresh me . The cold air hugs me . I let my head fall back as I close my eyes to full enjoy this moment . When you are living in a war torn world , moments like these are quiet rare and when you see such moments its best to make the most of it. I sit under an old apple tree. The fresh cold wind washes through me .
I look around my garden as lush green grass shows off its colour in the sun. The sun littly hidden behind the clouds . The branches off the apple tree draped just above my head. The smell of Autumn flowers every where. I see the flowers fall off the apricot tree in to the little pond just bellow. The pond maybe small but is as pretty as ever. The beauty is mezmerizing. Life itself was mesmerizing. It was at times like this that a person understands truely , the infinite opportunities he is given by God to witness the beauty of nature. I glance over to my lap as a book of poetry lays open. "Three score years and ten" I wonder, the poet spent so much time observing the beauty of nature yet I am left baffled and amazed when I get a slight glimpse of it. The poet must be really lucky. For he lived in a peaceful era , which was filled with beauty. The poet may not have any idea how lucky he was to be surrounded by such beauty .
"Hey! You guys should definitely play!",. Shouts Jake . He runs to me . "What say? ".
"We can't play as good as you guys so we will probably loose so no ", I say to him stating the obvious.
"Well we can fix that, hey troy!", he calls over troy . I see him running over to me and as soon as I notice that I feel heat creep up in my cheeks. What is wrong with me .
"Let's team up with the girls I'll be the captain and you be the other captain . Let's team up yes", Jake says and troy immediately says."me first", troy smirks at him. "Sammantha ",says troy . I look at him surprised as hell. Jake looks a bit upset at his choice it was as if he wanted to choose me.
"Sam stand next to me you're on my team", troy lightly smiles at me being polite. I hesitantly go stand by him. He gives me an assuring smile which I gladly return. After few moments of selection I notice that I am the only girl in troy's team and all my friends are with Jake . I get a bit nervous at the sight but I hope nothing goes wrong. Troy suggests I should take the striker's position yet I try to stay out of his way and take the goal keeper's position . The game begins and we all start playing. Troy stays infront if me. As if trying to protect any sudden blows to the face or body as I was extremely inexperienced.
I look up at him as he blocks a hard kick.
I open my eyes scared as hell. He gently laughs at my reaction. "Don't close your eyes ", he chuckles. I stand fully aware once again as Jake calls a corner kick. "Ok dude whatever. Keeper change, I am gonna be the keeper to your corner kick", trip declares. "No , not so fast, that I can't allow you to do , she will be the keeper", I am shocked by Jake's words . He is my friend. And he is saying this. He knows I don't know how to play and everyone knows he has a very strong kick. Why was he doing this. I look over to troy and he gives me a worried look. I am stuck in this situation. "Fine ! Brian in front, liam your with Brian , cover her", troy snaps at them. "Troy..", he turns and cuts me off. "Don't worry I'll cover you , I am gonna be right infront of you", he assures me and smiles. I find myself slightly hiding behind him. As soon as Jake got ready to shoot I found myself dripping with confidence. When he kicks. I shut my eyes tightly.I open my eyes when I feel a massive pain in my chest. I see the ball in my hand. "I caught it!!!" , I scream. And everyone looks at me in
Shock. "She caught it", Brian screams. Troy smirks at me . "You ok?" , he asks me as everyone celebrated my catch. "Ummhmmm", I nod. He looks at me and smiles. Jake looks at us furious. He starts a fight. " she was inside the goal", he yells. Troy immediately shoots him a look. He backs of but continues . Troy denys it. He says that I was standing outside. I walk over to the benches and have a seat. Jake and troy both look at me . " no I do not want to play with him ", I point over at Jake. " m gonna sit here , let him play with his team, troy don't make me ", I say upset with the side of my friend I just witnessed. He is such a asshole. Jake . Who would have thought he had issues with me and troy getting along well . Or with me playing anything . The game begins again. It's so cold . I rub my arms to generate heat. Troy notices me . "Hey can you keep this with you please?", he says handing me his jacket. "My body's warmed up and I am hot so keep it with you please my mom will kill me if I loose it, just put it on", he says and the runs off again. Did he notice me shivering? No he can't I wasn't even shivering .
I put on his jacket . He notices his jacket on me and smirks . He I blush. What the hell is happening to me? Get yourself together sheesh. I get this tingling feeling in ny stomach . This is scary what is happening to me . The game almost ends. The penalty shot is left as troy takes me along with him. He asks me to stay with him as he makes the shot. "But troy its getting really dark I need to go home everyone is leaving", I say to him. "I'll walk you home I promise , just stay one shot", he says but i still don't wanna stay . As Jake makes the shot, he notices my frustration or I suppose he does , he makes his shot and misses on purpose I could tell. He smiles at me and sprints to me. "Let's go yes? ", he says as he smiles at me . I return the smile. My mind is in haze as I am baffled by Jake's reactions and actions today . Why was he behaving so ? The thought and this side if him made me so sad, words couldn't explain. "Sorry about Jake", troy says as he whips me out of my sea of thoughts. I look at troy. A tall kid with Brown hair. And light Brown beautiful orbs planted on my face . He slightly bites on his plump lips before speaking ."same time tomorrow?", I notice we have reached home. So I take a one last long look at him "yeah" I breath out as I speak and smile at him. I start moving to my home as I notice him still standing there waiting for me to go home. I turn around and smile before entering my home.
I notice smile creep on my lips. I open my eyes . I realise I accidentally slipped in to the memory lane. Once again. I smile to my self as I grab my books and head on home. I miss him .
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