accidental love

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I hope you're safe in your bed tonight. I hope you're cozy and content.  Because my heart aches and beats and it makes me wanna  die. Every tear I shed in the memory of that night is a drop I silently, secretly shed into the river of tears that exists away from your eyes.. I know not ,why I put up with this. Sometimes I have the strength to continue but there are times when all I want is you and I cant handle this anymore. You must be thinking I am stupid to think so . You may think these tears are nothing. But how can I put this . I cant ever let you go. Simply because you mean the world to me. In this fake world filled with fake people you are the only one who truely understands me. You know when I cry, you know when I lie, you know how to scrap me off the ground when I cant get up myself .. how can I not be afraid to loose you. When you are my one and only  safety net. I know you have my back no matter what . I know you care for me in your own way. I know you would do anything to protect me .but all I crave rn is to know. Do you still feel the same way? Long paragraphs are meaningless. All I crave is a yes. I want to know what you feel. Am I the only fool? Is this one sided? Even so I want to know. I love it how you make me laugh. I love it how you make me blush at the slightest thing. A single smile from you is enough to turn my day upside down. You're my joy when things seem joyless.

Sam's POV

Today is the biggest day of my life. Today is the day I meet my future boss to discuss my possible future at the worlds biggest firm. I get up and head for the bathroom

Its been 3weeks since me and alex fought. I cant believe this. I  guess the world is a fake place especially for a guy like him. Girls literally throw themselves at him. That prick. Well whatever its not like I miss him . I know I was right about that girl over whom he fought with me. She'll eventually reveal herself then he'll be sorry but this time I have cut off all ties and destroyed all the bridges for him to come back. Whatever. I finally turn off the shower and wrap a towel around myself. I get out and dry myself off. I get dressed and put on some makeup. A little spritz of perfume and i am ready to conquer rest of the day I put on my jack docs.That's when my phone rings.
I answer without looking at the number.
"This is she",
"Its liza",my stomach clenches at the name.
"Hey , what's up? ", I say trying to stay calm. Nerve of that girl though. You took my troy and now you call me . Fuck you!
"Its troy", she sounds worried.
"What about him?", I ask.
"He's at lennox hill. How fast can you get here?", I hang up and grab my keys . All sorts of thoughts flood my mind.I am so worried at this point. She sounded like she had been crying. I pull up in the parking about 15mins later. I run inside. And to the reception.  Thats when I hear liza call out my name. I run to her.
"What's wrong? Where is he?", I ask her.
"He is still in the ICU we cant see him", thats when I I feel the ground slip from under me. Tears well up in my eyes.  As  thoughts of him flood my mind. His smile. His eyes. His lips. How he looked aw so perfect the night I saw him. The night before the wedding. Thats when I realized they both got married. 
"Liza why did you call me here ? He wont like it", I say crying.
"What do you mean? ", she asks fiddled.
"The rehearsal dinner...and besides you and him..",
"Sam we never got married", she cut me off.
"That night I saw something in his eyes.  And I knew what I had to do . I am so sorry . I. Knew he loved you all along I was just too weak to let him go. But I knew I was doing this for me . And I was too selfish..and.. and. "
"Liza what are you saying?",
"He loves you . And thats why I broke off the wedding he was always yours . No doubt about that.. i was with him cuz with him things seemed safe he was a safe option:, she says with a smile. I hug her.
"I ...I.. dont....liza he is not an option. He is no one's option.. he's..",
"You can see him now he's fine just alittle bruised up", the doctor interupts.
"Thankyou", we rush to see him.


I open my eyes with a massive banging in the back of my head.
"Wait a min this will make it better..", the nurse dimms the lights.
"Better?", she asks. I manage to slightly nodd in response. 
The door swings open and liza runs to me. She comes and sits besides me. "How are we now?",
"Ahh same old same old.  little bruises here and there. But nothing big",  I manage a smile.
I dont know what happened last thing I remember was me running off to see sam. And then blank.
"Liza what happened? " I ask .
"You were in an accident and I got a call and I well.. ohh I almost forgot there is someone here to see you", she smiles.
"I look at the the blurry figure coming in view standing in the door frame. I see royal blue dress. Thats when the figure comes closer and  it all becomes clear. Samantha James!
She stands there with tears in her eyes. And then she rushes to hug me .
"I am sorry", she sniffs.
"Ahh. Nah its okay. Its good kinda pain", I smirk at her earning a gentle hit on the arm.
"Oww" ,
"I am sorry", she says cautiously.
"Kidding" , and she rolls her eyes at my words.

"You look beautiful,  all ready for my funeral huh?", she looks at me with teary eyes.
"Hey I was kidding why're you crying?", I hug her back. 
"Because you're an asshole.. and a douche bag that doesn't know how to drive", she says in between sniffs.
I simply pull her into a hug . I kiss the top of her head.
"I am sorry", I whisper to her.
We stay like that for what seems like hours.  Its so amazing how perfectly our hands fit. Her hand in mine. The other one on her lap. Her head resting on my chest. I have my arm around her as she sleeps besides me. I look over at liza.
"Thankyou", I mouthed her.
She comes closer and whispers. 

"Dont let her go.. ", she says smiling and kisses me on the cheek.
I simply nodded. I looked down at her. I let my head fall back and close my eyes. I slowly drift to my slumber.

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