ilieana's last chapter

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i run out the hall, i look around in search of something i dont even wanna admit to myself. i convince myself that i came here looking for alex. who i eventually find sitting on a bench under the lighting. he wore his black motto leather jacket with a pair of denims he had a cigarette in his hand. he takes a strong puff and then continues to tighten some strings of his guitar. i make my way over to him and sit next to him.

"you alright?", i ask him kinda worried.

"yeah.. hey sam how did it feel? ... seeing troy again?" he asks as he continues to smoke. i take the cigarette from his hand and take a puff.

"horrible", i say. it felt like a million knives stabbing me as i watched that bitch kiss him. Even though they are dating now.

"she kissed my troy in front of me", his eyes open wide at my words. yes my troy even though they are dating now he will always be mine, he will always be the guy i cherished. he might even marry her but i will always refer to him as mine because he is mine, and only mine.i smile at the thought that even though reality will always be different i can live in my own thought where i know he is mine and i am his with no one to separate us.


after a long and tiring evening i finally reach my home. i slip into my night suit and sink under my bedcovers. i lie on my back thinking. nothing in particular, just thinking about things and how my exhibition went, i finally fall asleep .



i wake up in the morning at the sound of my alarm going off i get up and head on to the bathroom i stand there staring at my reflection when suddenly a bunch of questions pop into my mind. about last night and our last night together. here i am loosing sanity every night. i have a severe case of insomnia and there she is just being herself and continuing her life as it was. i wonder what's her secret. maybe it was my love which was stronger. ugh i cant believe this i am thinking about her again. this is driving me crazy! All i think about is her. her eyes, her lips, her hair, her scent everything about her is just intoxicating to me. wait! what?! oh no ... i still love her!

Ok today I have planned to spend the whole day with alex. I am gonna rake him shopping and he is gonna kill me cuz he doesn't know that. Speaking of which he should be here by now. Why is he late?
And I hear alex scream from out said my window. . What a dweeb!
I take my bag and run down stairs.
"Hey bub", I greet him.
"Hmm", he hums in response I simply roll my eyes at him and take a seat in the car.
"Where to?", he says... where to?
I stand there in the autumn wind staring at the sky. Something about it just made me sad today of all days.. I missed my grandmama and I was left feeling broken. Its been days since I have met her mostly because of my papers I cant wait to go back to the little hut where she lives. Its beautiful. I could smell the fresh roses in her garden already. I remember how she used to braid my hair. While I sat there eating the cookies. That's when I feel two arms grab my waist.
"I know you miss her", he whispers in a soft tone.
"Take me away... away from this scenario.. it scares me. Save me" I say looking at him .he simply kisses me.
"Where to miss?", he whispers.
"To the stars", I smile at him quoting my favorite dialog. I put my arms around his neck as he take my waist once again and kisses me.
*******flashback over******
"Where to sam?" He asks infuriated.
"To the mall please", is all I manage as I am jerked backed to reality.
After a long day with alex I finally reach home. I stand infront of my door fiddling with my keys.I finally unlock the door and get in I run up stair and let my jacket fall to the floor. I get in my bed under the cozy silk covers and lay there.
Troy I miss you.
Do you miss me?
I sit by my window staring outside as it rained. Just then my phone rings.. startling me. I look at the screen and the name "loser♥♣" flashes on the screen.
"Hello", I hear his smooth voice. Ohhh troy your voice. It makes me melt.
"Hi how are you..."
"Im fine you?"
"Me too.. hey troy  Valentine's day is  coming up next week right? So what do you want?"
"Ummm .. I want a bunch of terrorists"
"Terrorists? What?" I start laughing.
"Yeah you live in an area where there are loads of people with guns and stuff right?"
"Yeah but the aren't terrorists and even if the were how would I send em to you. However I can send some soldiers"
"What good would be?"
"You said you wanted them"
"No .. now why would I want a bunch of soldiers"
"Well you said you wanted terrorists.." I am cut off again.
"I did not"
"Umm yes you did troy" I reply.
"Na uh", he says in his annoying voice. Gosh that is so cute...
"Ok ok fine .. then tell me what do you want?"
"I want you " he says finally after a pause. I am taken aback by his reply because I was not expecting that.
"" I stutter.
"Yes you .. please come back..m I miss you.. lets just spend a whole day together doing nothing in particular just me and you", he pleads in the softest voice.
"Okay I will", I say finally.
'I promise troy" , I say sighing.

I finally decide to end the story.
it wasnt all you my dearest love. If I blame you for all that. It would be the greatest lie for I know I had my share of broken promises as well... but there was obe promise neither of us broke. It was the promise you and I made together . It was our promise. I know you remember. I wonder if its the only thing that runs through your mind when you have those restless nights. If you have any. My love I know I hurt you. I am sorry. I hope one day I will be able to fond a way to explain why I said those things. Why I never spoke the words that were meant for you to hear,
Why I never tried to let you fix us,
My love!
You were just to good for me...
I type the last line of the last chapter of my story and that's it. I finally publish it.

Now its time for you to read my story from my point of view my dearest troy. For you need to hear my side of the story.

I take out my laptop and login to my email account I start to type.

Troy Miller.
Star crossed love of my life. I might have gotten over you. But that doesn't mean that there aren't times when all our beautiful moments come running back. My love . writing this book was the hardest thing I could've done. And you know why . But just incase you dont .its because I cant even share our memories with anyone else let alone you. You mean the world to me .

I finally take a deep breath for I know no matter what I say. He could never hear me. I dont have the strength to face him. I have hurt him to much. But seeing him with someone else kills me everyday . I dont wanna live like this. But yet again what else can I do. I finally hit send because I know it wont make any difference for I know he wont ever read it. This wasn't his active account . This was the account he never used. He probably forgot the password or something.

Troy if only you could see these. You would know everything. My feelings... everything.

But I knew very well he wouldn't.

Inevitable Love [COMPLETE]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon