Wolve decend

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he gets down on his knees right in front of me. 

"Troy! please no ....", i say when he cuts me
"i am not proposing to you", he chuckles and i end up feeling so stupid, of course silly me what did i think? that he would propose me? well i was an idiot for thinking that, i mean why would he propose me . 

"but however i do wanna say sorry , so , Sam i am really really sorry please forgive me", he says looking up at me as I force a smile. i hated when he apologized because he was actually asking my forgiveness from that one part of me which will never be able to forgive him no matter how hard i tried. it wasn't that i didn't want to forgive him it  was just that i couldn't forgive him no matter how hard i tried and in that particular matter i was completely helpless but i was trying i swear i was, i knew he was leaving my life for good really soon or rather i was leaving his life really soon and did not want to leave the business unattended , i didn't want him to feel bad about anything no matter how bad he was , he was still a good guy and that good guy was the person i so loved with all my heart, and at that moment all i missed was the part when he was mine and i was his, even though we made big  promises we, in just that small period of time he had lived our forever.

"its ok troy you can stand up now", i say fake laughing. His face lights up as he rises. but the next part take me by surpise he starts moving closer, this action makes me really nervous and i start moving away, as i backaway slowly and unguided my eyes planted on his eyes as he stares back and i almost trip over a stump but i luckily regain my balance.

"troy what do you want?", I say as i burst into laughter.

"remember when you said i can't ever propose you in person because i don't have the guts", he leans in closer," well i am proving you wrong".

i stand wide eyed at his words, what the ...

"sam i am sorry for what i have done to you and i really want to prove my love for you so will you please be my girlfriend again", he says and then stares at my face looking for and expression. his words leave me numb and senseless as i just stand there looking into his eyes. 

"yes ", i say looking at the ground breaking eye contact.

"yes? yes!!!!", he shouts. i smile at him. yes? are you nuts lady? what did you do? why did you say yes? just to have those perfect 2 weeks and then the same shit all over again.


next morning , i sit on my balcony admiring the natures beauty. i clutch my drink tightly in my hand as i bring it up to my mouth to take a sip. the cool breeze causes goosebumps to appear on my skin as i hug the coat closer to me.to warm up my body i look at my phone to see a message from troy.

from: T

hey i was wondering can we meet up like today? like right now?


 to :T

yes we can just gimme 15 min ok?


i run into my room here and get take out a deep blue dress with a black jacket. i change into the dress and then i grab my sneakers and put them on as i run out of the house. I walk down the street to our secret hideout. I climb down slowly in the little hole in the middle of the woods. i hear footsteps so i lean in to see through the hole who it was but apparently i couldn't cuz the hole in the concrete wall was apparently not too big. and then i see him, Troy. he looks absolutly adorable in a black T-shirt. I smile at him nd then hug him. 

"hi ", i say softly. 

"hi", he says hugging me back. i pull away and look at him.

"let's go", i say perky.

" where? ",   he chuckles softly as i pull his hand .
" there ",  i point at the garden with white roses. 
" umm we have to cross this first ",  he smirks pointing at a broken wall that was acting as a bridge.
" ok",  i reply.
He leads the way climbing the wall.  I just stand there idle watching him, admiring him when all of a sudden he extends his hand. I look up at his hand and hold it.  Omg that was so cutei never thought of that . ok i know that was how it should have been and anyone with sense would do itit just so turns out i dont get much of romantic jestures so this is new to me .. Even his gentleness isi start to follow him.  We enter the garden.  I look around .  lush green grass and wild white roses growing everywhere in no specific manner.  The grass newly grown.  I walk around admiring the roses.
"Come here ,  stand here so no one can see you", words come out of his beautiful full lips .  i go stand next to him. Everything is absolutely beautiful.  And my heart is in my chest pounding . its about to fall out any time.  I pluck up every single ounce of courage i have and i put my arms around his neck. 
" you look cute",  i say trying to look calm. 
"I do now? " he raises his eyebrow at me that makes me blush a little hope the colour aint visible i dont wanna blush its embarrassing
"Hey you wanna go on that side ,  check it out ? " i nodd at his question.
He takes my hand as i slowly stroll with him when he stops all if a sudden and i almost bump into him. 
"Dafuq! " he mumbles.  I move aside to look clearly when i see a pack of wolves sitting with alpha wolf.  As they turn to us and start barking troy takes my hand and starts running,  i start laughing which makes it impossible to keep up.  We cross the wall and to our safe spot. 
"That was scary",  i say laughing. He looks at me annoyed .  he is so cute  ,  i hug him . 
What a date .  i think as he kisses my cheek.  A perfect end to an incidental date.

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