old habits die hard

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Sam's POV

Memories from the exhibition flood my mind yet again. My eyes tear up at the thought of her kissing him. I am angry. I get drunk on jealousy.  I take my car keys and get in my car. I storm off to the place we first met.
I stand on the exact spot where I stood when I first saw him. This place used to be beautiful.
The lush green grass ... all gone.
The beautiful flowers.. dead.
The swings... all rusted.
My heart ... broken.
Weeds replaced the roses.
Liza replaced me .
This ... this place or whatever is left of it now. Is just like me ...it is me. Life has been hard on both of us. It must have been hard for troy as well. I just know it.  I walk around the area. I wander aimlessly. I walk over to the place we saw the wolves. Troy was scared to death xD although he won't ever admit it.
I was walking around when I notice something in the dried up grass. I pick it up . Its my bracelet! I am shocked. I lost this years ago.

I stand near the railings of the roof playing with my bracelet.  It is metallic golden with dark green stones. As I watch troy play. I gesture that I am pissed off at him. He runs fingers through his light brown hair and sighs in frustration.  He eventually calls a 'timeout'. He wore a blue shirt and a pair of denims.

Thats when all of a sudden my bracelet falls off my wrist. I look at my empty wrist and start looking for it. If I dont find it mom will kill me. Oh gosh. I look down and notice something shine on a tree branch. I immediately run downstairs to get it.

Ok sam you found it. Now what? I think to myself as I stare up at the bracelet that is apparently way out of my reach . Ummm if I grab that branch and pull it down .. I just might.... I jump. But fail to grab the branch or even touch it. That is when I realize that troy had been watching me the whole time. I turn to face him and tell him to come help me . He slowly gets up and starts walking towards me slowly.

"Umm its stuck huh?", he chuckles.
"Its not funny", I snap back.
"Well it is kinda funny", he grins and I shoot him a look. That's when he finally tries to grab the bracelet which he eventually does.
"Thanks", I say being formal. He whispers something that I dont understand.  I just make my way back to my previous position on the roof.
I look at him once again from my roof.
My tiger , is an awesome player. I stare at him in awe.

"Dont drool ", amber laughs.
"Ha ha ha ha.. I was not drooling"I roll my eyes at her.
"He loves you", a smile creeps its way to my lips and plays there at the thought of it. I know he does.. I think feeling giddy inside
For he did indeed.
*******flash back over******

I take it and put it in my pocket. I start roaming around again when I see a broken bench. A giggle escapes my mouth.
Troy!! He sat there on the right n I was on the left. When I hit him playfull and the bench broke...he started bleeding but he never told me..
Omg what did he say ... I cant remember... what was it.?....I think it was about a girl in his science class.
What ever it was. I was kinda jealous .
Oh troy..
I walk to the broken wall, thats when I see a man stand alone near the ditch. He stands there smoking.  I move towards him.
"Excuse me sir! You shouldn't smoke here", say trying to be polite and the man immediately turns around at my words. And its is no one other than

"Troy..", I am stunned. He looks as shocked as me.
"You", he looks at me as if trying to inspect an injury.
"How... how are you?",
"Me? Troy.. how are you? "I ask him.ohhhh gosh there he is standing in front of me in a white dress shirt. First two buttons unbuttoned.  Hair perfect as ever. He has a beard now. Thats new. And he has gotten taller as well. Wow. You continue to arouse me troy miller.
"I see somethings never change", I say gesturing to his cigarette.
"I guess old habits die hard", he replies looking at the cigarette in his hand.
"I see" I turn to walk away.
"Sam", my heart skips a beat. His voice.
"Yeah?" I look back.
"I loved your exhibition. . Good to know you moved on", his words leave me flabbergasted. What does that mean now? What is he trying to say by that.
"Thanks I guess, glad you came to see my paintings".
****Troy's pov***

"Thanks I guess, glad you came to see my paintings", she says. There is an utter sadness in her voice. Yeah I saw alittle more than just your paintings. I saw jake hug you.

"So jake huh?".
"Sorry?" She frowns at me.
" you and jake..",
"You guys are a thing now? Well good to know you found someone who loves you as much as liza loves me", my words trigger something in her. What is that? Anger? But why?
"Troy... " she stops mid sentence. And looks at me with disappointment.
"Jake is engaged to amber" thats all she says as she turns to leave once again. I stand there staring at her as she leaves. She stops and turn back.
"Oh and for the record liza can love you more than anything on this world but it still wouldn't be half as much as I did", she says her signature dialog and leaves.
Everytime we talk we fight. Why? Why are we so opposite of eachother.

I am so mad at him. Everytime... he says or does something, that makes me wanna kill him.. ugh. I hate him sometimes.
He thinks I am with jake? I never was.
And never will be . I wont say I didn't have any relationships after we broke up but it never worked out. Non of them worked . And for the same reason I am single.. non of them were him. No one can take his place no one.
He was special.  He was mine .

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