me, you and the night sky

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I run down the stairs as quietly as possible. I take a huge breath as walk out the door gently closing it behind me .
I run out side towards a fimiliar black vehicle, a guy is leaning againist it. As i move closer i notice a small orange light in his hand. He brings it up to his lips and takes a strong puff. I walk towards him. He looks at me and puts out the cigarette.
"Hey ", he kisses me on the cheek.
" hi, so are we good to go? ", i ask ignoring the fact that he was smoking just moments ago.
"Sure" he says opening the door to the vehicle "after you" .
I get in and fasten my seat belt . He gets into the drivers seat and fastens his seat belt.
His car smelled like mint. The fresh minty smell mixed with my secrets perfume and gave a new aroma which I was overwhelmed by. I couldnt get enough of it .
I turnup the volume of the radio when I hear my fave song by the Chainsmokers. I start singing along.
"I know it breaks your heart . Move to the city in a broke down car.. " I start playing with the ends of my hair , I unconscious ly start humming along.
"Bite that tatoo on your shoulder.." I sing out loud .
"Babe I dont have a tatoo", troy smirks at me . My eyes widen as I notice I was goofin off in front of him. I feel heat creep up in my cheeks. He smirks at me .
"Hey stop stop stop", I start screaming.
The tyres screech as he hits the breaks.
" what? "He asks worried.
" mcdonalds ", I point over to the yellow M sign. He looks at me in shock .
"You nearly killed us", he says pissed .
" please please please ", I say tryinna be sweet . But he maintains an angry face .I kiss his cheek ..
"Come on please ", I say and he finally budges . He turns the rover around and drives to the drive through and places the order. After a while we pick up our order and drive off. I sink back into the warmth of my seat. Looking out the window, when I notice a sign.
"City limits?!!" I say out loud to him. In response he just smirks which freaks me out even more.
"Yeah I am kidnapping you", I look at him as my eyes widen athis worlds . I turn towards him to look properly at him.
" I just wanna go for a long drive babe", he says kissin my hand.
"Alright , cheese ball", I say messin with his hoodie.
It starts raining , I watch the droplets fall on the windshield as I sip my coffee, I then take a fry and eat it right up.
" hey hey I paid for those give me some as well ", troy whines.
I pop a fry into his mouth.
"Can I have some of that coffee you're having? " he asks with his eyes still on the road.
" but yours is untouched have yours", I try handing it over to him but he refuses to take it .
" na I want that one", he says jesturing to my cup.
" no this is mine", I say holding it closer to me.
" na I want that one, I want the one you drank from I want that one you drink this one I want that", he says jeaturing to the cup in my hand.
"Ugh fine", I hand over the cup as he gives me a satisfied devious smirk indicating that he just won our little fight. I roll my eyes at him.
"Oooo someone's pissed", he starts teasing me . I gently hit his arm as he kisses my cheek.
All of a sudden our car stops . I look over to him a little worried. He looks the same , I look around but we are in the middle of no where with a jungle on both sides of the road. I grab his forearm as he is about to get out of the car.
"Troy no! Dont its dark and its raining there could be animals out here" I tell him .
" no its raining, no animals come out in the rain", he calms me down. He then opens the door and gets out . I stay in the car but I couldn't help it anymore so I just leave the car as well and join him.
"No ! Sam stay inside ", he says to me.
" no m not leaving you out here ", I snap back.
"Sam I need to fix this please stay inside ", he looks up once again at me. I get an umbrella and hold it over us.
He looks over at me and then just smiles. He stands up straight and the closes the hood of the car.
"That should do it", he looks over to me. " so now I wanna show you something "
We get in the car once again.
" you're all soaked", I say to him .
"Look whose takin", he laughs and I notice m also drippin wet .
" I have some dry clothes in the trunk you can change in the back seat ", he says with a genuine care in his voice.
He hands over his clothes and then starts driving as I create a partition with a blanket and start changing. While I fix one end of the blanket I catch his eye.
"Eyes on the road Miller", I announce. I notice him nervously looking at the road once again.
I change and move back to my seat.
" I like your shirt it's soft", i say huggin myself. I start lookin out the window once again as he continue s to drive.
" troy I can drive if you wanna change as well", he looks over to me and nodds. I take the wheel and he changes . He then sits in the passenger seat.
"Troy where am I taking you right now ", I laugh .
" its a secret", he gives me a cheeky smile as his curls flop on his forehead. He then takes a bandana and ties em away from his face.
" ok I'll drive now", he says as I park the car at a gas station. I run into the bathroom. I fix my hair and then come out of the bathroom. I go sit in the car as troy buys a drink for himself. He joins me after a while. He starts the car and we hit the road once again. I grab the mcdonalds bag and start eating my burger. I take two bites and then I give troy a bite. And wipes the cheese that smears all over his face because of the bumpy road. I start looking out the window as the rain slowly stops . I check my phone once again for any new updates.
****troy's POV****
I look at the road as its really dark and I want to be as careful as I can be. I look over to sam mid sentence and I see her, asleep. I look at her eyelashes resting right above her cheeks. Her lips pouted. And her nose red. I realize its too cold for her so I turn on the heater . I take her to the top of the hill from where the whole city is visible from an old tower. I park the car . I slowly move my fingers through her hair.
" baby wakeup", I say in the most gentle way.
She stors around a bit and then opens her eyes which now show a darkshade of brown.
*****sams pov*****
"Ok I know m boring , but I never thought m that boring that you fell asleep mid sentence", he says teasing.
" sorry", I say rubbing my eyes.
" we're here", he annouces . I look around. I see a tower. I step out of the vehicle and look around he then takes my hand and takes me with him . I follow him up a long spiral stair case. Its really dark so I hold his hand tightly after a long climb up the staircase . I stand leaning againist the wall as I take a deep breath. I hug him really hard. And that about says everything. It tells him everything .. I love you so much. More than I can ever explain, more than you will ever know . Yea I am in love with you troy miller and I need not say it cause everything screams it. I pull back and hold his hand as we walk around on the roof . The city glistens . In the clear sky is a full moon just. Not a star to be seen. I let go of his hand and move a bit forward towards the grill. He hugs me from behind I tense up at first but then I slowly relax back into him. As we stand he whispers in my ear "me, you and the night sky". We stare at the city lights. I turn around to face him. He looks right into my eyes. I run my fingers through his curls. As I kiss the corner or his lips gently. I kiss his lips softly but quick enough to avoid a kiss. He seems confused at my action I play around teasing him for a bit then he decides to put an end to it. He pulls me closer and connects our lips. I kiss him back . I loose my balance and am about to fall when he grips me strongly and pulls me into him.. and just like that we share our first kiss ... amd erotic moment . A feeling compeletly out of this world.

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