Episode One: United is not an Option [Part 1]

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Central City, USA, Earth 1. October 2016.

Barry's eyes snapped open.

With a jolt of energy, he sat up, confused. He looked around, and saw that he was in the bedroom of his apartment. He was slightly groggy, as if he'd been asleep for a while, but was otherwise just fine. He looked around his apartment. Messy, but also normal. He was extremely confused. He squinted his eyes and tried to remember the last thing he'd done . . . Slowly, Barry remembered. He'd kissed Iris, yet he'd turned down her proposal for a relationship. He'd run off, through the Speed Force. Then . . .

Barry gasped. He'd travelled back in time and saved his mother. He remembered it. Everything up to the point where his mom had let out a sigh of relief at being saved.

For a moment, Barry couldn't believe it. He'd actually gone back in time and saved his mother! He had just woken up to the first day of the rest of his life! Everything Zoom had taken from anyone on this Earth had been restored! Everything Thawne had taken from him had been undone! Barry was elated, and ready to get up and seize the new day.

At super speed, Barry leapt out of bed. He ran to his closet and began trying on outfits, mixing and matching dozens of different combinations. This was likely a normal day for his parents, so Barry knew he needed something casual, but he also knew he couldn't let his clothes be a mess on the first day in sixteen years that he was going to see his parents together. Finally, Barry settled on an outfit he approved of. Looking at himself in the mirror for a few moments, he fine-tuned his look, wanting everything about this day – this life, going forward – to be perfect. Barry sped out of his apartment, down several stairs, and down the street.

Then he turned back and returned to his apartment. What was he thinking? He couldn't wear this. Barry took the extra time (a few seconds) to clean up, shower, and shave, then ran back to his closet. Even at super speed, it still took him around a minute to settle on the exact same outfit he'd chosen earlier.

Barry was about to speed out of his room again when he noticed something. There was a golden ring on his right ring finger. Surprised, he instantly removed it and sped up to the mirror to inspect it. It was a normal ring, except it had his Flash symbol on it. It was obviously plated in pure, high-quality, high-karat gold. Barry had never seen it before, and so was slightly suspicious. Being a CSI, he tried to deduce where it could have come from, and decided that it was obviously a relic of The Flash's in this timeline. He had seen Reverse Flash wear a similar ring (with a reversed emblem), and had seen the Reverse Flash suit come out of it. Barry made a mental note to stop by STAR Labs as soon as he had talked to his parents and check in with his team.

Barry twirled the ring in his fingers, but had no idea how to actually activate it. Deciding to figure out later, Barry pocketed the item and sped away.

After a brief run through the heart of downtown, Barry soon reached Central City's suburbs. It was a matter of seconds before he reached his childhood home. Barry stopped in front of it, but kept the world in slow motion. After inspecting the nearby area, he felt satisfied that no one was watching him zipping around at super speed, and allowed the world to resume. Barry walked up the steps to his home, then froze. What was he thinking?

Barry sped away, ran to a flower shop, grabbed the largest bouquet he saw, combined that with the second-largest bouquet he saw, and returned to the house. Smiling wildly, with his heart on top of the world, Barry proceeded up the steps to his house. But when he reached the porch he froze, this time for a different reason. A giant sign was nailed on the front door of the house:


Barry was shocked. He gaped, not knowing what to think.

Barry vibrated, walking right through the door and into the house. Everything was . . . neat. The house was clean and calm, just obviously abandoned. It was empty, but all the appliances and furniture were still there. He ran through the entirety of his house. His childhood bedroom was obviously not a child's bedroom. The master bedroom was obviously not a bedroom of a middle-aged couple. And furthermore, Barry couldn't find a single photo of the Allen family anywhere. No evidence of Nora or Henry or himself. In the front room, there was different wallpaper. Everything was different.

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