Episode One: United is not an Option [Part 8]

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Star City, USA, Earth-1. October 2016.

It was the dark of night. The air was beginning to chill and the temperature was dropping. It was almost morning, although no trace of sunlight had yet begun to pierce the horizon. Dew was beginning to form, but there were no trees or plants nearby for it to form on. There was nothing around but decrepitness and rust.

Oliver, as Green Arrow, was crouched on the edge of a crane in the middle of an abandoned industrial highway complex. Although it was dark, he could see well enough to know there was no activity nearby. Even so, he was on edge. He knew that there would be trouble.

For the past 12 hours, he had been at war.

"In position," he quietly called to Felicity.

"Alright," she responded. "On my mark. Three. Two. One."

Felicity stopped counting. Nothing changed. The area was still silent.

But soon, Oliver heard a humming noise.

Far below him, the automatic motorcycle had been activated by Overwatch. She was piloting it from the Arrowcave. It was charging through the sidewalks and walkways, hoping to draw out its targets. Its headlights were off, as it was in stealth mode. Its targets were people.

Soon enough, Oliver heard gunshots. It had been a successful distraction. Oliver stood up. He loaded a high-yield explosive arrow and fired it at the base of a neighboring crane. The arrow made contact, resulting in a huge explosion. Oliver heard metal bending and snapping as the crane began to fall. When it did fall, Oliver heard some of the gunfire cut off inexplicably.

Oliver loaded another arrow, launching it towards a tanker. There was an explosion. Oliver continued loading arrows, taking out different strategic points. Although he knew that he was taking out bratva members left and right, he couldn't actually see any of them. Suddenly, Oliver heard gunfire pierce a nearby crane. Then, the crane next to that. Oliver could see that the bratva members were firing on likely sniper locations. Oliver knew that his spot would be compromised soon.

"We don't have all day for this, Overwatch." Oliver called. Bullets started hitting the crane next to him.

Oliver dived off of the crane he was standing on. He was about 300 feet in the air. As he fell, he quickly twisted around and fired a grappling arrow at his previous perch. Although it was dark, Oliver's aim was perfect and the arrow made contact. He fell downwards and landed in a narrow corridor/walkway safely. He disconnected the arrow. Above him, he heard bullets hit the crane he had been standing on.

In his earpiece, Felicity responded, "I'm sorry, but—"

"There he is!" a gruff voice called in Russian. Oliver's head snapped forward. A few yards away, he could see several bratva members in front of him.

Immediately, without hesitation, Oliver charged in their direction. He loaded an arrow and fired it into the leg of the lead man. The rest of them began firing guns. Oliver parkoured up the sides of the walls, dodging their bullets. He reached the lead man and leaped back down. He struck him in the side of the head, knocking him out. He quickly grabbed the arm of the second man, twisting it and flipping him into the ground. He kicked the third man back, then chopped the fourth man in the throat with his hand. He turned back to the third man and kneed him in the head, knocking him out. He swiveled to the fourth man, chopping him in the throat again (harder this time) and delivering a knockout blow to the head. He kicked the second man to knock him out.

Several bratva members charged down the corridor towards Oliver, all aiming automatic weapons at him.

"Убей его!" the leader cried.

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