Episode One: United is not an Option [Part 4]

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D.E.O. HQ, USA, Earth-S. April 2016.

Lucy, Hank, Alex, and several other DEO agents arrived back at headquarters. Very quickly, the place went from calm to hectic. As soon as Lucy and Hank walked in the doors, they began barking orders. Kon-El was being wheeled behind them on a stretcher, still unconscious.

"Everybody move! Get out of the way!" Hank demanded.

"Get this Kryptonian to the med bay! But I want security on standby." Lucy ordered.

The medical technician in charge looked confused. "Excuse me, ma'am? Should we put him under the Sunlamp?"

"NO! We know nothing about him!"

Hank proceeded into the control center. "Do we have any way of removing the Kryptonian pod the middle of National City without drawing attention?" he demanded from the officers at comms.

"Not at the moment, but we're working on it," was the response he got.

"Well, do better. It's night at the moment, so people barely noticed, but it'll be morning soon enough and we need to have it out of there."

At that moment, a blip appeared on the radar and the console started beeping.

"Incoming! It's Supergirl!"

A second later, a sonic boom could be heard overhead.

"Great," Lucy muttered. She walked in the direction of the entrance, followed by Alex. In a just a few moments, Supergirl pushed through the double doors and entered the DEO.

"Where is he?"

"Supergirl," Lucy warned, "you need to calm down."

Alex and Lucy halfway down the hallway, blocking her from going further.

"Look, Kara. He's in the med bay right now. He's still unconscious and he's totally safe," Alex reasoned. "You don't have to break protocol and be here right now."

"Alex! Lucy! He's Kryptonian! He's my cousin! I can vouch for his sanity, if you're worried he's gonna go crazy when he wakes up! And if you're worried, shouldn't having another Kryptonian here be a safer solution? I just want to be here until my cousin, who I just found out didn't die along with the rest of my entire planet, wakes up. Just because I'm not an official DEO agent shouldn't mean I can't be here." Kara wanted nothing more than to talk to Kon-El again, but she was utterly confused on how he could have possibly made it off Krypton before its destruction.

Lucy went into deep thought, considering Kara's proposal. It didn't take her long to decide.

"Fine. But don't go bragging about this to anyone. In the meantime, Hank and I'll try to phone in and get you the clearance to stay officially."

Kara nodded to Lucy to show appreciation. Lucy left towards the comm stations. Kara started to walk towards the med bay; Alex matched pace with her. Kara took out her phone and sent a quick text message out. When she was done, Alex spoke up.

"So what happens now?" Alex asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what're our next moves gonna be? Once Kon-El wakes up, what happens? And then what happens for the next few weeks?"

Kara thought carefully. "Well, Clark and I will talk to him and try and figure out what happened to him, and to his family. The story's probably very simple, anyway. After that, Hank and I can train him to use his powers. Clark can too, if he has the time. Then, if Kon wants to part ways with us and stay with Clark in Metropolis for a while, then that's his decision. If he wants to stay with the DEO, then we can have another superhero in National City, and yet another powerful person to help us infiltrate Project Cadmus."

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