Episode One: United is not an Option [Part 5]

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Star City, USA, Earth-1. October 2016.

Oliver headed up the stairs to his former loft, carrying with him a to-go bag from Big Belly Burger and an iPad. He climbed slowly; after the meeting, he had a lot to think about.

Oliver reached the door and knocked. Felicity answered after a few moments.

"Hey," Oliver said, smiling. He held out the iPad, "You forgot this back at the cave." He held up the Big Belly Burger, "and I brought something for lunch."

"Thanks," Felicity said, smiling back and taking the iPad. She ushered Oliver in and shut the door behind him. She started walking towards the kitchen. "Let me get some plates for those. Have a seat."

Oliver walked to the couch, set the bag down on the table, and began unpacking the burgers, fries, and sodas onto the table. Felicity sat down on an adjacent seat and put a plate down in front of Oliver (and herself). Oliver began distributing the food.

"A Cheesemeister Deluxe for you," Oliver announced. Felicity instantly lit up with excitement.

"What, what? Heck yeah! Win for the team!" Felicity high-fived Oliver. "Bring it here!" Oliver handed Felicity her burger, which she began to unpack excitedly. Oliver laughed as well.

Before she could unpack the whole thing, Felicity stopped. She smiled. "If I unpack this and open the bun, will I find extra pickles on here?" Oliver raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

"Oliver . . ." Felicity said in excitement and anticipation as she finished ripping the packaging off the burger. She took the top bun off and – "Booyah! Goals! FTW! High five number 2!" Felicity high-fived Oliver again and began to eat. Oliver resumed the order unpacking.

"And a Triple Cheesemeister for me," Oliver announced, taking his burger out of the bag.

Felicity's eyes widened, "I shouldn't have said goals so soon, that's goals. I never had the guts to try that one."

"Oh, I figured it was deserved after today, of all days."

"You saved a family in a minivan that was suspended off a hundred foot highway, yeah. But that's not the first time you've been in a dangerous situation, and before you've had less equipment to help you. We've done something like that twice since we started this two-human crusade of justice. And that's without counting when you tried to reinstall the lights in the cav—"

"I thought we agreed to never talk about that again," Oliver interrupted, not kidding at all.

"Oh, right." Felicity took a bite of her burger. "So what's this for, then?"

"I didn't get it to celebrate," Oliver clarified, "I got this lunch because we need to talk, and you said you're gonna be busy later."

Felicity nodded. "Is this about—"

Oliver cut her off, "Whatever you were about to suggest, probably not. This is about the meeting I just had with the President and Lyla about the Green Arrow and Overwatch."

Felicity sighed and squinted her eyes, "Oh no. They said we need to shut it down, didn't they?"

Oliver nodded grimly while starting his burger.

"Lyla's on our side with this, obviously. She can't show it publically, but I talked to her and she promised to pull favors, doctor intelligence, the usual. Pretty much everything to hide our activities and identities from anyone that comes after us. But yeah, they want to shut us down."

"Oliver," Felicity said, "we're vigilantes. The authorities have been trying to shut us down since our respective day ones. But even when Captain Lance was after us, it barely affected our ability to operate."

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