Episode One: United is not an Option [Part 9]

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Star City, USA, Earth-1. October 2016.

The first 13 hostages had gone missing just hours after Oliver had rejected Anatoly's request. At the time, it hadn't been extremely riveting news. Everyone had just assumed it was some serial killer (which the Green Arrow could easily deal with), and they knew that the Green Arrow was a pro at handling hostage crises with ease. Oliver and Felicity had immediately jumped on the case, suspecting foul play on Anatoly's part, but weren't able to find anything about the location of the 13 hostages. After an hour of Oliver hitting the streets and Felicity searching everything tech-related, they finally uncovered a lead. Oliver had left to go rescue the hostages, but as soon as he attacked, the hostages had been killed.

Oliver had been absolutely furious. He had tried calling Anatoly, but hadn't been able to get through. He had tried going to the bratva chapter in Star City, but it had been abandoned. Felicity had tried to find the bratva's online resources and bank accounts (then freeze them), but the bratva had drained the accounts and assets beforehand. With nothing to go on, Oliver had left and made a speech as the mayor.

2 hours after the first hostages had been killed, 13 more people had gone missing. Oliver and Felicity had gone through the same process as before. They had desperately tried to find any leads possible, but were left completely and totally stumped. After an hour, while Oliver was interrogating people in the Glades, the bodies of the hostages turned up hundreds of miles away in Keystone City.

After this, Oliver had been livid. He had contacted Anatoly immediately. Anatoly had answered, and Oliver had spent the entire conversation bellowing death threats at him. Eventually, Anatoly had hung up, infuriating Oliver further. Oliver vowed to lock Anatoly in Supermax on Lian Yu; in the cell right next to Slade.

Oliver (as mayor) had made a speech closing the borders of Star City, putting the National Guard on standby, and declaring a state of emergency. Governor Mericle had been pretty smug about it, but Oliver didn't care at that point.

2 hours after the second hostages had been killed, 13 more people had gone missing. To make a long story short, both Oliver and Felicity had frantically searched down leads. Eventually, Oliver had found something and raced to the hostages' location. At that location, he had only found three of the hostages. He rescued them, but was still saddened when the other ten bodies turned up dead in the Glades.

He was even more infuriated when the three he had rescued were assassinated upon leaving the police station.

And so, 2 hours later, Oliver had tried (and failed again) to rescue the fourth batch of hostages at an industrial site. Once again, they were killed by some convoluted method designed to guarantee all of the hostages' deaths. By now, the death total was up to 52, and nobody was happy about it, least of all Oliver.

Felicity sat in the Arrowcave in silence. Just minutes ago, she had sat at her computer monitors as Oliver had witnessed the hostages die. He had left the scene now and was on his way back. Oliver's earpiece and microphone were turned off at the moment, but Felicity could tell how upset he was.

One of the monitors was set to Channel 52 News, and Felicity could see the massive coverage of the event. They were broadcasting about the latest crisis at the industrial site, as well as the previous hostage sites, and were reporting on the various states of emergency and civil panic that the city was in.

Felicity sighed. After minutes of watching this, she looked at her phone. She picked it up and dialed STAR Labs. For the millionth time today, she got no answer.

Felicity wondered what could be happening over at STAR Labs so that they weren't picking up their phone, but it was at this moment that Oliver returned to the Arrowcave. Felicity's eyes widened, expecting Oliver to be angry (at the bratva) again. After so many hostages had died, she didn't know what to say to comfort or reassure him anymore. So, she said nothing as the elevator to the lair opened and Oliver stepped out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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