Episode One: United is not an Option [Part 3]

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Star City, USA, Earth-1. October 2016.

28 minutes later, Oliver pulled up to city hall. He left his car and proceeded up the front steps. There was a large crowd of reporters (being held back by the police and Secret Service) clamoring for a statement from Oliver, wondering why the President of the United States was having a last-minute stop with the Mayor of Star City. On a normal day, Oliver would have been more than happy to be outspoken, but today he needed to make it to his office as fast as possible. Oliver gave a small wave, which the media would have to settle for.

A short time later, Oliver arrived at his office (surrounded by two Secret Service guards, who seemed to be everywhere). He opened the door and walked inside.

Lyla Diggle, Governor Mericle, and President Guggenheim were already waiting. They were sitting on the chairs in front of Oliver's desk. Lyla was sitting to the left, the Governor was sitting to the right, and the President was sitting in the center. All three noticed Oliver coming in.

"Mr. Queen, it's a pleasure," President Guggenheim stood up and reached for Oliver's hand.

Oliver, smiling broadly, returned the handshake. "No, the pleasure's all mine, Mr. President. I'm honored to have a visit. I hope you've been comfortable and weren't waiting long."

"Not too long, but you have a nice office," the President replied. He obviously wasn't pleased to be here.

Oliver turned his attention to the governor. "Wendy," he said smiling while reaching for her hand.

"A pleasure as always," Governor Mericle smiled and shook Oliver's hand.

Oliver crossed over to behind his desk. "Lyla," Oliver smiled, shaking her hand.

"Oliver," Lyla replied. "It's been awhile."

"Too long." Oliver decided to get down to business, "So, Mr. President. Star City is pretty far out of the way for your campaign tour. I assume you have something you wanted to discuss?"

The President looked grim. "Yes, and it's pretty serious."

Governor Mericle looked similarly somber. "I think you know what it's about."

Oliver stopped smiling. He'd hoped the meeting wouldn't be about this. "The vigilantes in the city."

Governor Mericle actually looked confused and shook her head, "No, not them yet. That's coming later. We wanted to talk about—" Mericle cut herself off and looked at Lyla, "Ms. Diggle?"

Lyla took the cue, "This is about Rubicon, Mr. Queen."

Oliver furrowed his brow and pretended to only know surface details. "That was a strategic tragedy, and a near miss with mass genocide. The apocalypse avoided us that day, I believe we should count ourselves lucky."

"The entire world shares your mindset, Mr. Queen, we all consider ourselves lucky. But we're here to talk about the role the vigilantes of Star City played in the event. ARGUS was the only intelligence agency on top of the crisis, and even then, Ms. Diggle tells me that she had no real control over the situation. The National Guard and the Army couldn't get to Star City in time to help with the so-called Ghosts, and our nuclear launch pads were simply sitting there for days under foreign control. With our only intel coming from ARGUS, this makes Lyla Diggle our leading expert on the catastrophe, and she claims that we, as a country, have reasons to be concerned."

Oliver looked at Lyla. She expressed a 'sorry!' with her eyes, then began to talk.

"I was first notified of the Rubicon event when the Green Arrow reached out to ARGUS. Apparently, Amanda Waller had known this man for quite a few years, and had even deployed him on black ops missions as far back as 2011. I was told that HIVE, an organization we'd been trying to collapse for years, was after high-ranked ARGUS agents, including myself. I went into hiding, taking several classified projects with me. Rubicon, which was compromised in an earlier theft attempt by Shadowspire—"

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