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the hour for karma's decision
[ nagisa ]

karma was acting weird, even that, was pretty obvious to anyone. he kept spacing out or sometimes he would think too seriously, forgetting the place he was at.

he seldom hangs out with nagisa anymore, creating a lot of weird excuses, i.e, he had a group project, where nagisa had refused to believe him. karma wanted to work all alone, and the only people he worked with was class e and that took a lot of persuasion.

nagisa sighs as karma rejects another one of his invitations.

i have something due tomorrow, next time?

next time? how many times had he said that? sighing, nagisa grabbed his usual jacket and draped it on himself. there was a coffee shop nearby, hopefully, that would awaken his senses. he walked a few blocks, enjoying the cold air and the snow that had landed on his feet.

he sighed. where did it go wrong? he knew that his relationship with karma was bound to end, someday. he knew someone was going to step in their relationship, regarded as snow, which would melt someday.

but nagisa was hoping it wasn't on this lifetime.

he sighs once more as he pushes the door of the café. his feet was frozen to the ground when he saw a familiar shade of red, a familiar sound of laughter and a familiar glint of mischief.

why was he here? didn't he need to do something?

pathetic. nagisa felt his throat run dry. he didn't even know how he got out, nor how he arrived at the seashore; throat ran dry, tears on the corner of his eyes and hands almost shaking.

everyone - nagisa swallows a lump on his throat. everyone leaves him; just like his mother, now karma.

he grabbed his phone, dialing his number. he didn't care if the coldness was seeping through his skin, nor the possibility of karma not answering him. twice, thrice, ten times, yet he was not answering.

i need to talk to you.
it's something i need to tell you about.

nagisa lets out a shaky breath, emotion becoming unstable at every moment. he could feel his heart pounding so hard as he sat down on the shore, not caring if it was covered in snow.

i'm here at the beach, near my house. please.

tick, tock, tick, tock.

nagisa glanced at the phone, he texted him around two o'clock and 'till now, no red hair in sight. nagisa stood up half an hour ago, placing himself on the cold concrete steps.

karm's not that heartless. he's not that heartless - he's not.

nagisa lets out a shaky breath. he dared to stare at the sky, pouring out the innocent pure white snow in front of him, mockingly, he supposes.

nagisa bit back a cry. he did it again. he placed distance between them again. nagisa could feel his body shaking from the cold, but no matter how cold it was, it somehow didn't affect his heart.

he felt numb.

he closes his eyes as his knees gave up on him, gradually falling to the covered-snow ground. he could feel the tears streaming in one by one, he could feel his chest tightening, he could feel the burn on his throat-

but he can't feel the pain, he felt hollow. like someone had ripped off a part of him, slowly but surely.

he bits back a cry.

karma had stepped on their relationship. he stepped on the snow and left it so casually, so casually that it lay there, unmoving, feeling the burn of his heel, melting.


sooooo, i told you guys this is cliche and all pfft yeah, sorry 'bout that ( ̄▼ ̄) (・`ω'・)

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