4. Aphaea! Wait! Who's Aphaea? (Tratie Part 3)

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Sorry guys.

I forgot to tell you before.

I knew I had you all fooled(JK), but this is not Rick in disguise.

I don't own any of the PJO or HoO characters. Sorry.

Also thank you to the one person who commented in the last chapter ( because their TRATIE story is awesome and I didn't know that people were actually reading this.

Katie D 

Katie (Gardener)

When I woke up, I was standing in the middle of camp. Campers spilled out of their cabins, shock on every face. I tried to speak, but no words would come out. Puzzled, I found I had no control over any part of my body. It was like I was watching a movie. Suddenly, a door banged open, and Travis sprinted out. Oh gods.... Travis.... He wasn't wearing a shirt, and he looked good. Ridiculously good. I mentally shook my head. Get your act together! I scolded myself. Suddenly, he stopped, eyes wide and mouth hanging open in...surprise? No. Fear.

"Kat-t-ie?" He stammered. I opened my mouth to answer, but the words that came out were not my own.

"Katherine Gardener is dead. You killed her." I knew that voice. It was the voice of that lady in the woods. Speaking through MY mouth. Travis looked devastated, like his worst nightmare had come true. Suddenly Chiron pushed his way to the front of the crowd.

"Aphaea!" He yelled, scowling.

Though I pressed my lips together, a cruel laugh escaped.

"Recognize me? I'm surprised." Said the voice. I fought for control. GET. OUT. OF. MY HEAD!!!!! I thought with all my might.

"How?" Chiron was asking. "I presume Miss Gardener did not give you her permission to possess her."

Possess???? I thought. That explains allot.

"Possess?" Travis questioned, his face white.

"Actually..." I felt my face contour into a sneer. "She did. I've learned a thing or two. Wouldn't you agree?" I heard the last few words spoken in that persuasive tone, and wasn't surprised to see many campers, all but Travis and Chiron, shake their head yes then immediately look confused at their own actions.

"Aphaea?" Chiron looked weary. "Why would you do this?"

"I am tired!!" Aphaea snarled "Tired of the Gods! Tired of mortals! Tired of being confused with Artemis and Athena!" She raised her hand and grass shot up from the ground. "Now combined with the daughter of Demeter, I will be unstoppable!"

"Stop!" Travis begged. "You'll hurt Katie! Katie, I know you're in there."


As soon as those words left my mouth, Katie/Aphaea shut her eyes. When she opened them, they were Katie's again.

"Travis?" She asked in a weak voice, but it was HER voice. Not that crazy goddess.

"Katie!" Then, a swirl of green covered the whites of her eyes.

"Bah!" Aphaea sneered.She raised her hand, and a magical vine erupted from the ground. It snaked across the ground, attaching itself to the ankles of me and the Athena kids. As we frantically tried to remove the vine, it pulled into the air, flipping and suspending us. Blood rushed to my head. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Percy try to slash through to vine with Riptide.

Katie screamed and the vines gently lowered us to the ground.

"I won't let you hurt them!" Katie yelled. "GET OUT!!!!!"

A ghostly apparition melted out of Katie and she crumpled to the ground. I raced forward and caught her.

"Foolish girl." Aphaea spat. "Well, I don't need her anyway. Or any of you actually." She snapped her fingers and a army of hellhounds appeared on the crest of the hill. The magic boundary crackled and popped before fizzling out altogether. I looked at her in astonishment.

"That Hellhound in the woods. That was you."

"Of course. But I can promise these will be worse." And with those cheerful words she disappeared.   

Hey Guys!

So, I was going through and changing the titles and stuff, and I realized that these are REALLY SHORT! Sorry about that. If you have a suggestion for a one-shot, comment please! Even if the story was published a gazillion years ago. 


Katie D

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