9. Mistake

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Sooo.... I'm alive! Yay! I have experienced a bit of a writer's block, so please give me ideas! Thanks. I have been doing a random letter generator in order to choose a ship to write about and I got... L and L. That is LeoxLeo so we will see how that works out. Sorry that this is so short....

-Katie D

 "I hate you

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 "I hate you." Piper hisses.

"B*tch." Annabeth spits.

"How dare you!" Piper huffs.

"How dare I? How dare I? You tell ME that you HATE me, and I am the one overstepping here? I didn't even do anything to you recently!"

"Oh really! Like you didn't lie to Mr. Kaye and tell him I cheated!"
"I would never do that to anyone!"
"I'm sure you made an exception for the one person you hate the most." Piper's eyes narrowed.

"I didn't do it!" Annabeth's voice rose.

"Jason saw you Annabeth. He saw you talking to Mr Kaye after the test, and then he came over to tell me he was giving me an F!"
"I would never." Annabeth's voice dropped dangerously low.

"F*ck you Annabeth Chase."


"Fight me."

The mad scientist in Annabeth took over, and she wondered how mad she could make Piper. "Not worth my time, coño."

"F*ck you. Fight me." Piper grew angry and spewed word until she could barely think straight. It was inevitable that she eventually mixed up her words. "F*ck me." The hallway went dead silent as Piper realized what she had just said. She blushed deep red as Annabeth moved till her face was centimeters from Pipers.

"Gladly." She whispered, her breath tickling Piper's lips. And then the space between them disappeared. 

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