16- A letter from the front steps of a Church

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Dear Jason-

How do I begin? When we met you became the best friend that I ever had. I could hardly believe that someone so popular and perfect could even look at someone like me, but you were never one for stereotypes.

The love and affection you gave your friends everyday astounded everyone but you, as you always thought people needed more kindness in their lives.

As time passed, I began to see you as a bit more than a friend. I believe it was junior year. Every time you smiled I got butterflies, but you were dating Piper.

When she broke up with you for Annabeth, I didn't know what to think. I can't believe I didn't see it then. The teasing comments from Percy and crazyass fan art from Rachel. I guess my mind couldn't entertain the thought of you liking me.

Boy was I glad to be wrong.

On your 17th birthday, Nico (honestly who would have thought) initiated a game of 7 minutes in Heaven(probably so he could make out with Percy). I nearly died when my turn came. With you. But I shouldn't have worried. We went in a friends who had REALLY huge crushes and came out boyfriends. I remember a stupid grin on your face as you straightened your glasses.

The three years we were together were the best ones of my life.

And now we're here.

I f*cking love you Jason Grace.

And I always will no matter what.

But I'm outside this Church for the wrong reason. I'm moving forward but not with you.

And I'm walking down the aisle towards you, yet you're not alive to smile at me.

Your hands are too stiff to grasp mine.

Your eyes won't open to see me cry.

And your mouth won't move to tell me it's going to be alright.

But if you can hear me wherever you went, know that while we may never meet again, I'll always love you.

-Leo Valdez

Alright, kinda short but hey!- I'm back!!!!! *jazz hands*

Ugh I feel awful guys really. Hopefully more one shots as well as more chapters of A Heros Death and Music will be up soon.

I also have begun working on a original book! So let's see if I have the motivation to finish  that!

Has anyone noticed a pattern with the last few one shots.....


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