17-Operation Solangelo

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Operation Solangelo

Percy tossed the ball back to Nico. "C'mon Neeks! It's not that hard."

"Don't call me that." Nico snarled.

"It's only baseball." Jason called. "And we don't care if you can't throw. Neither can Percy."


"It's true. Well Nico, if we don't play baseball then..." Jason pretended to think for a moment, "we have to discuss your very obvious crush on Will Solace!"

"Shut. Up." Nico flushed a deep red and chucked the ball as hard as he could at Jason's head.  As any normal person would do, Jason ducked and the ball went flying over the fence at the edge of Percy's backyard. Percy froze in horror as the ball disappeared out of sight, followed by a CLANG and the sound of muffled swearing.

"Oh jeez. Oh jeez." Percy's eyes were wide with panic.

"Sorry about that." Nico said, not sounding sorry at all. "But it's not a big deal. Just go apologize to your neighbor. I'll come with you, since it was technically my fault."

"No you don't understand." Percy groaned. "That's Annabeth Chase's house."

Annabeth Chase was a strong, wicked smart, independent girl in Percy and Jason's grade. She was at the top of her class, president of the debate club and unbelievably scary when she was mad. She was also the girl that Percy has an enormous crush on.

"Okgoodluckhavefungettingkilled." With that Nico ran to the safety of the house like the devil was after him, Jason at his heels. Gulping down his fear, Percy slowly walked into Annabeth's backyard. A head popped out of a open window.

"Was this you?" She demanded. Percy tried not laugh, because that would be signing his death sentence. She was completely covered in flour, and holding his baseball in one hand.

"Uhhh..." Percy scratched the back of his head. "It's kindas Nico's fault..."

"Uh-huh." She looked at Percy disbelieving. "How?"

"Well we were kinda like throwing a baseball and like Nico didn't want to play and he like refused and Jason kinda teased him about his crush, Will, and Nico kinda threw the ball-"

"Wait." Annabeth cut him off. "Will SOLACE!?!?!?!?" 

Percy slapped a hand over his mouth. He had forgotten that Annabeth was friends with Will. "Oh please please please don't tell Nico he will murder me and they will never find my body!"

Annabeth's grey eyes sparkled. "I won't tell Nico, but-" She was cut off by a loud explosion and cheering from upstairs. "Fudge." She frowned. "That would be the Stolls, they're over with Malcolm. I have to go make sure the house stands in one piece." She scribbled something on a piece of paper. "We need to talk about Will and Nico later, okay? Bye!"

As she dashed up the stairs, Percy stared at the paper in his hand.


Oh. My. God.



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