8. We Kinda Have A Problema...

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Hope you like the story! If you do, comment! If you don't...please don't comment. if you have a suggestion, COMMENT!!!! And finally, if you have a request, please comment!!!! Thanks!

-Katie D 

Nobodys point of view

It was one of the only times anyone had seen genuine fear on the faces of the most powerful demigods of the generation. The room was silent.

"You...did...what?" Jason asked, glaring at Percy.

"I-i it was an accident!" Poseidon's son gasped

"Ok guys, calm down." Piper gulped. "I'm sure there's a solution to this problem."

Percy, Piper, Jason, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel and Nico are sitting in a loose half circle on the floor of the Poseidon Cabin.

"I'm worried about Will." Nico says slowly, drawing attention to himself. "What if he gets hurt? I have to go help him." He exclaims, rising from the floor only to be meet by a chorus of "No's!", "Nuh uh!"s and one, "Not a chance in Tartarus you blockhead!" (Jason)

"Nico..." Hazel pleads "We worry about him too, but you're jeopardizing the safety of the whole group."

A scream breaks out from outside the cabin.

"We should be out there, helping." Percy argues.

"Percy, it's too dangerous!!!!" Annabeth cries.

"It can't be that bad." He reasons. (A/N: I know! Percy? Reasoning? 0.o)

"Remember last time." Jason states grimly.

"I don't." Says the quiet voice of Frank Zhang. "I got knocked out, remember?"

"I still have PTSD." Annabeth shudders. "It was just after Christmas too..."

"Chaos. Everywhere." For once, Pipers grin is gone. "It was worse than anyone could imagine. Even the Stolls were shell shocked."

"We made a promise to the Campers that it would never happen again." Annabeth's voice falters. "We broke that promise..."

"It's all Percy's fault." Piper calmly stated. "It's all his fault that Leo is-"

Suddenly the wall exploded into flames. Startled demigods lept to their feet. In the midst of the flames stood a figure with a manic grin.

"I heard my name." He chuckled. "Who wants to play with fire????" A small ball of flame lit in his hand.

Annabeth gripped Percy's hand, something she might have been embarrassed of except for the fact the he was holding her hand so hard he was cutting off circulation.

Leo burst into evil laughter before throwing a sphere into their midst and sprinting off.

Piper had just enough time to say "What the di Angelo is that?" before it exploded.

After they had gathered the strength to look around. The demigods realized they were no longer demigods. They were in fact, animals. A gray owl glared at the green eyed seal next to her.

"You just HAD to give Leo sugar, did you Percy?!?!" 

Was that what you expected???

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